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Found 1 definition: minor.

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Pos: Adjective, Noun, Verb (intransitive)

Noun minor has 1 senses

   minor(n = noun.person) child, fry, kid, nestling, nipper, shaver, small fry, tiddler, tike, tyke, youngster - a young person of either sex; "she writes books for children"; "they're just kids"; "`tiddler' is a British term for youngster"
is a kind of juvenile, juvenile person
has parts: child's body
has particulars: bairn, buster, changeling, child prodigy, infant prodigy, wonder child, foster-child, foster child, fosterling, imp, monkey, rapscallion, rascal, scalawag, scallywag, scamp, kiddy, orphan, peanut, picaninny, piccaninny, pickaninny, poster child, kindergartener, kindergartner, preschooler, silly, sprog, bambino, toddler, tot, yearling, urchin, street child, waif

Adjective minor has 10 senses

1.  minor(a = adj.all) Array - of lesser importance or stature or rank; "a minor poet"; "had a minor part in the play"; "a minor official"; "many of these hardy adventurers were minor noblemen"; "minor back roads"

2.  minor(a = adj.all) Array - lesser in scope or effect; "had minor differences"; "a minor disturbance"

3.  minor(a = adj.all) Array - inferior in number or size or amount; "a minor share of the profits"; "Ursa Minor"
Derived form noun minority2

4.  minor(a = adj.all) Array - of a scale or mode; "the minor keys"; "in B flat minor"

5.  minor(a = adj.all) nonaged, underage - not of legal age; "minor children"
Antonym: major
Derived form noun minority3

6.  minor(a = adj.all) Array - of lesser seriousness or danger; "suffered only minor injuries"; "some minor flooding"; "a minor tropical disturbance"

7.  minor(a = adj.all) Array - of your secondary field of academic concentration or specialization; Array

8.  minor(s = adj.all) Array - of the younger of two boys with the same family name; "Jones minor"

9.  minor(s = adj.all) venial - warranting only temporal punishment; "venial sin"

10.  minor(s = adj.all) modest, pocket-size, pocket-sized, small, small-scale - limited in size or scope; "a small business"; "a newspaper with a modest circulation"; "small-scale plans"; "a pocket-size country"


minor, a. [L., a comparative with no positive; akin to AS. min small, G. minder less, OHG. minniro, a., min, adv., Icel. minni, a., minnr, adv., Goth. minniza, a., mins, adv., Ir. & Gael. min small, tender, L. minuere to lessen, Gr. miny`qein, Skr. mi to damage. Cf. Minish, Minister, Minus, Minute.].

1.  Inferior in bulk, degree, importance, etc.; less; smaller; of little account; as, minor divisions of a body. [1913 Webster]

2.  Less by a semitone in interval or difference of pitch; as, a minor third. [1913 Webster]

minor, n.

1.  A person of either sex who has not attained the age at which full civil rights are accorded; an infant; in England and the United States, one under twenty-one years of age. [1913 Webster]
" In hereditary monarchies, the minority of a sovereign ends at an earlier age than of a subject. The minority of a sovereign of Great Britain ends upon the completion of the eighteenth year of his age." [1913 Webster]

2.  The minor term, that is, the subject of the conclusion; also, the minor premise, that is, that premise which contains the minor term; in hypothetical syllogisms, the categorical premise. It is the second proposition of a regular syllogism, as in the following: Every act of injustice partakes of meanness; to take money from another by gaming is an act of injustice; therefore, the taking of money from another by gaming partakes of meanness. [1913 Webster]

3.  A Minorite; a Franciscan friar. [1913 Webster]


minor, adj., n., & v.
1 lesser or comparatively small in size or importance (minor poet; minor operation).
2 Mus. a (of a scale) having intervals of a semitone between the second and third, fifth and sixth, and seventh and eighth degrees. b (of an interval) less by a semitone than a major interval. c (of a key) based on a minor scale, tending to produce a melancholy effect.
3 Brit. (in schools) indicating the younger of two children from the same family or the second to enter the school (usu. put after the name).
4 Logic a (of a term) occurring as the subject of the conclusion of a categorical syllogism. b (of a premiss) containing the minor term in a categorical syllogism.
1 a person under the legal age limit or majority (no unaccompanied minors).
2 Mus. a minor key etc.
3 US a student's subsidiary subject or course (cf. MAJOR).
4 Logic a minor term or premiss.
--v.intr. (foll. by in) US (of a student) undertake study in (a subject) as a subsidiary to a main subject.

in a minor key (of novels, events, people's lives, etc.) understated, uneventful. minor axis Geom. (of a conic) the axis perpendicular to the major axis. minor canon a cleric who is not a member of the chapter, who assists in daily cathedral services. minor league US (in baseball, football, etc.) a league of professional clubs other than the major leagues. minor orders see ORDER. minor piece Chess a bishop or a knight. minor planet an asteroid. minor prophet any of the prophets from Hosea to Malachi, whose surviving writings are not lengthy. minor suit Bridge diamonds or clubs.

L, = smaller, less, rel. to minuere lessen



N  inferiority, minority, subordinacy, shortcoming, deficiency, minimum, smallness, imperfection, lower quality, lower worth, commonalty, inferior, smaller, small, minor, less, lesser, deficient, minus, lower, subordinate, secondary, secondrate, sub, subaltern, thrown into the shade, weighed in the balance and found wanting, not fit to hold a candle to, can't hold a candle to, least, smallest &c (little) (small), lowest, diminished, reduced, unimportant, less, under the mark, below the mark, below par, at the bottom of the scale, at a low ebb, at a disadvantage, short of, under.


N  infant, babe, baby, babe in arms, nurseling, suckling, yearling, weanling, papoose, bambino, kid, vagitus, child, bairn, little one, brat, chit, pickaninny, urchin, bantling, bratling, elf, youth, boy, lad, stripling, youngster, youngun, younker, callant, whipster, whippersnapper, whiffet, schoolboy, hobbledehoy, hopeful, cadet, minor, master, scion, sap, seedling, tendril, olive branch, nestling, chicken, larva, chrysalis, tadpole, whelp, cub, pullet, fry, callow, codlin, codling, foetus, calf, colt, pup, foal, kitten, lamb, lambkin, aurelia, caterpillar, cocoon, nymph, nympha, orphan, pupa, staddle, girl, lass, lassie, wench, miss, damsel, demoiselle, maid, maiden, virgin, hoyden, infantine, infantile, puerile, boyish, girlish, childish, babyish, kittenish, baby, newborn, unfledged, new-fledged, callow, in the cradle, in swaddling clothes, in long clothes, in arms, in leading strings, at the breast, in one's teens.


asia minor, canis minor, epilepsia minor, lemna minor, minor axis, minor diatonic scale, minor expense, minor fast day, minor key, minor league, minor leaguer, minor matter, minor mode, minor planet, minor premise, minor premiss, minor role, minor scale, minor suit, minor surgery, minor term, minor tranquilizer, minor tranquilliser, minor tranquillizer, musculus pectoralis minor, musculus rhomboideus minor, musculus teres minor, pectoralis minor, phacelia minor, philohela minor, pyrola minor, rhomboid minor muscle, sarracenia minor, teres minor, teres minor muscle, ursa minor, variola minor, variola minor virus, vinca minor