mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome(n = noun.state) kawasaki disease - an acute disease of young children characterized by a rash and swollen lymph nodes and fever; of unknown cause; Array
is a kind of disease
acquired immune deficiency syndrome, acute organic brain syndrome, adams-stokes syndrome, addison's syndrome, adult respiratory distress syndrome, ascending node, atrioventricular node, axillary node, banti's syndrome, binge-eating syndrome, binge-purge syndrome, binge-vomit syndrome, carpal tunnel syndrome, cervical disc syndrome, cervical root syndrome, chinese restaurant syndrome, conn's syndrome, cushing's syndrome, descending node, down syndrome, down's syndrome, eaton-lambert syndrome, ekbom syndrome, fallot's syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, gilles de la tourette syndrome, guillain-barre syndrome, gulf war syndrome, horner's syndrome, hurler's syndrome, hyperkinetic syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, kallman's syndrome, klinefelter syndrome, klinefelter's syndrome, korsakoff's syndrome, korsakov's syndrome, lambert-eaton syndrome, lymph, lymph cell, lymph gland, lymph node, lymph vessel, malabsorption syndrome, marfan's syndrome, mucocutaneous, mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, munchausen syndrome, munchausen's syndrome, myasthenic syndrome, nephrotic syndrome, node, noonan's syndrome, organic brain syndrome, parkinson's syndrome, phantom limb syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, radiation syndrome, ramsay hunt syndrome, reiter's syndrome, respiratory distress syndrome, respiratory distress syndrome of the newborn, restless legs syndrome, reye's syndrome, sa node, scalenus syndrome, severe acute respiratory syndrome, sinoatrial node, stokes-adams syndrome, sudden infant death syndrome, syndrome, thoracic outlet syndrome, tietze's syndrome, tourette's syndrome, toxic shock syndrome, turner's syndrome, waterhouse-friderichsen syndrome, williams syndrome, zollinger-ellison syndrome