1. nerve center(n = noun.location) nerve centre - a center that provides information and control; "the nerve center of the diamond industry is in Amsterdam"
is a kind of center, centre
2. nerve center(n = noun.body) center, centre, nerve centre - a cluster of nerve cells governing a specific bodily process; "in most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere"
is a kind of neural structure
has particulars: auditory center, olfactory brain, rhinencephalon, broca's area, broca's center, broca's convolution, broca's gyrus, convolution of broca, wernicke's area, wernicke's center, superior colliculus, inferior colliculus, respiratory center
abdominal nerve plexus, abducens nerve, abducent nerve, accessory nerve, acoustic nerve, afferent nerve, anterior crural nerve, army high performance computing research center, auditory center, auditory nerve, broca's center, burn center, call center, casualty care research center, center, center bit, center field, center fielder, center for disease control and prevention, center line, center of attention, center of buoyancy, center of curvature, center of flotation, center of gravity, center of immersion, center of mass, center on, center punch, center seal, center spread, center stage, cervical nerve, city center, civic center, coccygeal nerve, community center, conference center, control center, counterterrorist center, cranial nerve, cubital nerve, day care center, dead center, defense technical information center, depressor nerve, efferent nerve, eighth cranial nerve, eleventh cranial nerve, entertainment center, facial nerve, federal law enforcement training center, femoral nerve, fifth cranial nerve, financial center, first cranial nerve, fourth cranial nerve, free nerve ending, glossopharyngeal nerve, hypoglossal nerve, lumbar nerve, medical center, medullated nerve fiber, motor nerve, motor nerve fiber, municipal center, musculospiral nerve, myelinated nerve fiber, national climatic data center, naval air warfare center weapons division, naval surface warfare center, naval underwater warfare center, nerve, nerve agent, nerve block anaesthesia, nerve block anesthesia, nerve cell, nerve centre, nerve compression, nerve deafness, nerve end, nerve ending, nerve entrapment, nerve fiber, nerve fibre, nerve gas, nerve growth factor, nerve impulse, nerve pathway, nerve plexus, nerve tissue, nerve tract, ninth cranial nerve, nonproliferation center, oculomotor nerve, olfactory nerve, optic nerve, organophosphate nerve agent, phrenic nerve, placement center, pneumogastric nerve, radial nerve, research center, respiratory center, sacral nerve, saphenous nerve, sciatic nerve, second cranial nerve, sensory nerve, seventh cranial nerve, shopping center, sixth cranial nerve, spinal nerve, splanchnic nerve, storm center, student center, tenth cranial nerve, third cranial nerve, thoracic nerve, transshipment center, trigeminal nerve, trochlear nerve, twelfth cranial nerve, ulnar nerve, urban center, vagus nerve, vestibulocochlear nerve, wandering nerve, wernicke's center, world trade center