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Found 1 definition: one thousand.

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Noun one thousand has 1 senses

   one thousand(n = noun.quantity) 1000, chiliad, g, grand, k, m, thou, thousand, yard - the cardinal number that is the product of 10 and 100; Array
is a kind of large integer
has particulars: millenary

Adjective one thousand has 1 senses

   one thousand(s = adj.all) 1000, k, m, thousand - denoting a quantity consisting of 1,000 items or units; Array


as one, at one, at one time, beneath one, beyond one, fast one, for each one, for one, for one thing, from each one, go one better, hundred and one, hundred thousand, in one case, in one ear, loved one, naked as the day one was born, number one, number one wood, on one hand, on the one hand, one, one after another, one and all, one and only, one at a time, one by one, one c, one dollar bill, one horse, one hundred, one hundred eighty, one hundred fifteen, one hundred fifty, one hundred fifty-five, one hundred five, one hundred forty, one hundred forty-five, one hundred ninety, one hundred one, one hundred seventy, one hundred seventy-five, one hundred sixty, one hundred sixty-five, one hundred ten, one hundred thirty, one hundred thirty-five, one hundred twenty, one hundred twenty-five, one iron, one million million, one million million million, one of the boys, one of these days, one one's coattails, one percent, one piece, one shot, one sided, one thousand million, one thousand thousand, one time, one upmanship, pull a fast one, pull a fast one on, put one across, put one over, rolled into one, six of one and half a dozen of, square one, ten thousand, thousand, thousand and one nights, thousand island dressing, thousand legs, thousand times, to each one, to one ear, young one