orange yellow(n = noun.attribute) saffron - a shade of yellow tinged with orange; Array
is a kind of yellow, yellowness
has particulars: ocher, ochre
agent orange, alizarin yellow, bergamot orange, bitter orange, bitter orange tree, brownish yellow, cadmium orange, cadmium yellow, cadmium yellow pale, california yellow bells, canary yellow, chrome yellow, cox's orange pippin, downy yellow violet, frozen orange juice, great yellow gentian, greenish yellow, jaffa orange, king orange, large yellow lady's slipper, lemon yellow, lesser yellow trefoil, mandarin orange, mandarin orange tree, marmalade orange, methyl orange, mock orange, naples yellow, native orange, navel orange, onion yellow dwarf, orange, orange balsam, orange bat, orange daisy, orange fleabane, orange free state, orange grass, orange group, orange grove, orange hawkweed, orange horseshoe bat, orange juice, orange liqueur, orange marmalade, orange milkweed, orange milkwort, orange mushroom pimple, orange order, orange peel, orange peel fungus, orange pekoe, orange red, orange rind, orange river, orange sneezeweed, orange soda, orange toast, orange tortrix, orange tree, orange zest, osage orange, pale yellow, potato yellow dwarf, reddish orange, sea orange, seville orange, shortleaf yellow pine, sour orange, southern yellow pine, sweet orange, sweet orange tree, temple orange, temple orange tree, trifoliate orange, valencia orange, western yellow pine, wild orange, wild yellow lily, william of orange, yellow, yellow adder's tongue, yellow ageratum, yellow asphodel, yellow avens, yellow bachelor's button, yellow bass, yellow bean, yellow bedstraw, yellow bells, yellow berry, yellow bile, yellow birch, yellow bone marrow, yellow book, yellow bristle grass, yellow bristlegrass, yellow bugle, yellow bunting, yellow cattley guava, yellow cedar, yellow chamomile, yellow chestnut oak, yellow cleavers, yellow clintonia, yellow colicroot, yellow cypress, yellow delicious, yellow dock, yellow dwarf, yellow dwarf of potato, yellow fever, yellow flag, yellow foxglove, yellow foxtail, yellow giant hyssop, yellow globe lily, yellow goatfish, yellow granadilla, yellow green, yellow gurnard, yellow hawkweed, yellow henbane, yellow honeysuckle, yellow horned poppy, yellow hornet, yellow iris, yellow ironweed, yellow jacaranda, yellow jack, yellow jacket, yellow jasmine, yellow jessamine, yellow journalism, yellow lady's slipper, yellow lady-slipper, yellow light, yellow locust, yellow loosestrife, yellow lupine, yellow man, yellow mariposa tulip, yellow marrow, yellow metal, yellow milkwort, yellow mombin, yellow mombin tree, yellow mountain saxifrage, yellow nutgrass, yellow oak, yellow ocher, yellow ochre, yellow oleander, yellow pages, yellow paper daisy, yellow parilla, yellow pea, yellow perch, yellow peril, yellow pimpernel, yellow pine, yellow pitcher plant, yellow pond lily, yellow poplar, yellow prussiate of potash, yellow race, yellow river, yellow rocket, yellow root, yellow salsify, yellow sand verbena, yellow sea, yellow spiny daisy, yellow spot, yellow spot fungus, yellow spruce, yellow squash, yellow star-thistle, yellow sweet clover, yellow trefoil, yellow trumpet, yellow turnip, yellow twining snapdragon, yellow vetchling, yellow warbler, yellow water flag, yellow water lily, yellow watercress, yellow woman