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Found 1 definition: power of attorney.

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Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun power of attorney has 1 senses

   power of attorney(n = noun.communication) Array - a legal instrument authorizing someone to act as the grantor's agent; Array
is a kind of
instrument, legal document, legal instrument, official document
has particulars: stock power, proxy



N  commission, delegation, consignment, assignment, procuration, deputation, legation, mission, embassy, agency, agentship, power of attorney, clerkship, surrogacy, errand, charge, brevet, diploma, exequatur, permit, appointment, nomination, designation, return, charter, ordination, installation, inauguration, investiture, swearing-in, accession, coronation, enthronement, vicegerency, regency, regentship, viceroy, consignee, deputy, agent, delegate, consignee, commissioned, per procurationem.


acoustic power, air power, atomic power, attorney, attorney general, attorney general of the united states, balance of power, black power, borrowing power, candle power, defense attorney, district attorney, drawing power, electric power, electrical power, flower power, fourth power, great power, horse power, in power, legal power, magical power, major power, motive power, nuclear power, people in power, police power, power, power brake, power breakfast, power broker, power cable, power company, power cord, power couple, power dive, power drill, power elite, power failure, power grid, power hammer, power hunger, power law, power line, power loading, power loom, power meter, power module, power mower, power of appointment, power outage, power pack, power plant, power play, power point, power politics, power pylon, power reactor, power saw, power series, power service, power shovel, power station, power steering, power structure, power system, power takeoff, power tool, power train, power trip, power unit, power user, power walking, power worker, prosecuting attorney, pulling power, purchasing power, reflective power, resolving power, right to an attorney, rise to power, rocket power, sea power, second power, solar power, state attorney, state's attorney, staying power, stevens' power law, stock power, switching power supply, third power, trial attorney, united states attorney general, us attorney general, war power, water power, will power, wind power, world power