1. recur(v = verb.change) repeat - happen or occur again; "This is a recurring story"
is one way to come about, fall out, go on, hap, happen, occur, pass, pass off, take place
Derived forms noun recurrence1, adjective recurrent1
Sample sentences:
Something ----s
2. recur(v = verb.communication) go back - return in thought or speech to something; Array
is one way to come back, hark back, recall, return
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s PP
3. recur(v = verb.social) fall back, resort - have recourse to; "The government resorted to rationing meat"
is one way to apply, employ, use, utilise, utilize
Sample sentences:
Somebody ----s something
1. To come back; to return again or repeatedly; to come again to mind. [1913 Webster]
"When any word has been used to signify an idea, the old idea will recur in the mind when the word is heard." [1913 Webster]
2. To occur at a stated interval, or according to some regular rule; as, the fever will recur to-night. [1913 Webster]
3. To resort; to have recourse; to go for help. [1913 Webster]
"If, to avoid succession in eternal existence, they recur to the “punctum stans” of the schools, they will thereby very little help us to a more positive idea of infinite duration." [1913 Webster]
recur, v.intr. (recurred, recurring)
1 occur again; be repeated.
2 (of a thought, idea, etc.) come back to one's mind.
3 (foll. by to) go back in thought or speech.
recurring decimal a decimal fraction in which the same figures are repeated indefinitely.
L recurrere recurs- (as RE-, currere run)
VB repeat, iterate, reiterate, reproduce, echo, reecho, drum, harp upon, battologize, hammer, redouble, recur, revert, return, reappear, recurse, renew, rehearse, do over again, say over again, ring the changes on, harp on the same string, din in the ear, drum in the ear, conjugate in all its moods tenses and inflexions, begin again, go over the same ground, go the same round, never hear the last of, resume, return to, recapitulate, reword.
VB recur, do nothing but, keep, keep on.