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Found 1 definition: retirement.

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Pos: Adjective, Noun

Noun retirement has 3 senses

1.  retirement(n = noun.state) Array - the state of being retired from one's business or occupation; Array
is a kind of
position, status
Derived form verb retire1

2.  retirement(n = noun.act) Array - withdrawal from your position or occupation; Array
is a kind of
conclusion, ending, termination
has particulars: hibernation, rustication
Derived forms verb retire1, verb retire2

3.  retirement(n = noun.act) retreat - withdrawal for prayer and study and meditation; "the religious retreat is a form of vacation activity"
is a kind of withdrawal


retirement, n. [Cf. F. retirement.].

1.  The act of retiring, or the state of being retired; withdrawal; seclusion; as, the retirement of an officer. [1913 Webster]
"O, blest Retirement, friend of life's decline." [1913 Webster]
"Retirement, rural quiet, friendship, books." [1913 Webster]

2.  A place of seclusion or privacy; a place to which one withdraws or retreats; a private abode. [1913 Webster]
"This coast full of princely retirements for the sumptousness of their buildings and nobleness of the plantations." [1913 Webster]
"Caprea had been the retirement of Augustus." [1913 Webster]

Syn. -- Solitude; withdrawment; departure; retreat; seclusion; privacy. See Solitude.


retirement, n.
1 a the act or an instance of retiring. b the condition of having retired.
2 a seclusion or privacy. b a secluded place.

retirement pension Brit. a pension paid by the State to retired people above a certain age.



N  resignation, retirement, abdication, renunciation, abjuration, abandonment, relinquishment, abdicant, Othello's occupation's gone.


N  exclusion, nonadmission, omission, exception, rejection, repudiation, exile, noninclusion, preclusion, prohibition, separation, segregation, seposition, elimination, expulsion, cofferdam, excluding, exclusive, excluded, unrecounted, not included in, inadmissible, exclusive of, barring, except, with the exception of, save, bating, exclusion, seclusion, exclusion, seclusion, privacy, retirement, reclusion, recess, snugness, delitescence, rustication, rus in urbe, solitude, solitariness, isolation, loneliness, estrangement from the world, voluntary exile, aloofness, cell, hermitage, convent, sanctum sanctorum, depopulation, desertion, desolation, wilderness, howling wilderness, rotten borough, Old Sarum, exclusion, excommunication, banishment, exile, ostracism, proscription, cut, cut direct, dead cut, inhospitality, inhospitableness, dissociability, domesticity, Darby and Joan, recluse, hermit, eremite, cenobite, anchoret, anchorite, Simon Stylites, troglodyte, Timon of Athens, Santon, solitaire, ruralist, disciple of Zimmermann, closet cynic, Diogenes, outcast, Pariah, castaway, pilgarlic, wastrel, foundling, wilding, secluded, sequestered, retired, delitescent, private, bye, out of the world, out of the way, the world forgetting by the world forgot, snug, domestic, stay-at-home, unsociable, unsocial, dissocial, inhospitable, cynical, inconversable, unclubbable, sauvage, troglodytic, solitary, lonely, lonesome, isolated, single, estranged, unfrequented, uninhabitable, uninhabited, tenantless, abandoned, deserted, deserted in one's utmost need, unfriended, kithless, friendless, homeless, lorn, forlorn, desolate, unvisited, unintroduced, uninvited, unwelcome, under a cloud, left to shift for oneself, derelict, outcast, banished, noli me tangere, among them but not of them, and homeless near a thousand homes I stood, far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife, makes a solitude and calls it peace, magna civitas magna solitudo, never less alone than when alone, O sacred solitude! divine retreat!.


N  regress, regression, retrocession, retrogression, retrograduation, retroaction, reculade, retreat, withdrawal, retirement, remigration, recession, recess, crab-like motion, refluence, reflux, backwater, regurgitation, ebb, return, resilience reflection, reflexion (recoil), flip-flop, volte-face, counter motion, retrograde motion, backward movement, motion in reverse, counter movement, counter march, veering, tergiversation, recidivation, backsliding, fall, deterioration, recidivism, recidivity, reversal, relapse, turning point, receding, retrograde, retrogressive, regressive, refluent, reflex, recidivous, resilient, crab-like, balky, reactionary, back, backwards, reflexively, to the right about, a reculons, a rebours, revenons a nos moutons, as you were.


N  recession, retirement, withdrawal, retreat, retrocession, departure, recoil, flight, receding, distance oneself from a person.


individual retirement account, retirement account, retirement benefit, retirement check, retirement community, retirement complex, retirement fund, retirement pension, retirement plan, retirement program, retirement savings account, retirement savings plan