answer back, back, back and fill, back and forth, back away, back brace, back breaker, back burner, back channel, back circle, back country, back door, back down, back end, back entrance, back exercise, back fire, back judge, back matter, back number, back of beyond, back off, back out, back pack, back porch, back room, back saw, back scratching, back seat, back stairs, back street, back talk, back to back, back tooth, back up, back way, barrel roll, beat back, bounce back, break one's back, bring back, buy back, call back, carry back, ceding back, choke back, church roll, cinnamon roll, clover-leaf roll, coffee roll, come back, come back at, coming back, crescent roll, cut back, date back, die back, double back, draw back, drive back, drop back, drum roll, egg roll, fall back, fat back, feed back, fight back, flanker back, flash back, force back, from way back, get back, get back at, give back, go back, go back on, go back over, hamburger roll, hang back, hard roll, hark back, hold back, honor roll, jelly roll morton, kaiser roll, keep back, kick back, knock back, lean back, look back, move back, move back and forth, music roll, muster roll, onion roll, parker house roll, pat on the back, pay back, paying back, pinwheel roll, pipe roll, play back, pull back, push back, put back, ragman's roll, rear back, relation back, rock 'n' roll, rock 'n' roll musician, rock and roll, roll, roll around, roll call, roll down, roll film, roll in, roll in the hay, roll of tobacco, roll off, roll on, roll out, roll over, roll up, running back, sausage roll, send back, set back, shrink back, sink back, sit back, slide back, slip back, snap back, snap roll, soft roll, spring roll, stand back, strike back, sweet roll, swiss roll, take back, talk back, think back, throw back, thrust back, toilet roll, toss back, travel back and forth, trim back, turn back, vienna roll, water back, watteau back, win back