rose bay(n = noun.plant) nerium oleander, oleander - an ornamental but poisonous flowering shrub having narrow evergreen leaves and clusters of fragrant white to pink or red flowers: native to East Indies but widely cultivated in warm regions; Array
is a kind of poisonous plant
is a member of genus nerium, nerium
abukir bay, at bay, baby rose, baffin bay, banksia rose, bay, bay grass, bay ice, bay laurel, bay leaf, bay lynx, bay myrtle, bay of bengal, bay of biscay, bay of campeche, bay of fundy, bay of naples, bay of ob, bay rum, bay salt, bay scallop, bay state, bay stater, bay tree, bay willow, bay window, bay wreath, bay yarn, bengal rose, biscayne bay, bog rose, botany bay, botany bay fig, bull bay, buzzards bay, california bay tree, cape cod bay, cherokee rose, chesapeake bay, chesapeake bay retriever, china rose, christmas rose, cliff rose, coffee rose, common rose mallow, confederate rose, confederate rose mallow, cotton rose, damask rose, delaware bay, desert rose, dog rose, galveston bay, galway bay, green bay, ground rose, guelder rose, gypsy rose lee, hangzhou bay, hudson bay, hudson bay collared lemming, james bay, japanese rose, korea bay, lenten rose, manila bay, massachusetts bay, massachusetts bay colony, memorial rose, minamata bay, mobile bay, montego bay, monterey bay, moreton bay, moreton bay chestnut, moreton bay pine, moreton bay tulipwood, mountain rose, multiflora rose, mus rose, musk rose, narragansett bay, new york bay, old rose, osaka bay, penobscot bay, provence rose, prudhoe bay, red bay, rock rose, rose, rose acacia, rose apple, rose bed, rose beetle, rose bug, rose campion, rose chafer, rose chestnut, rose colored, rose family, rose garden, rose geranium, rose globe lily, rose gum, rose hip, rose leek, rose louise hovick, rose mallow, rose moss, rose of china, rose of jericho, rose of sharon, rose oil, rose periwinkle, rose pink, rose quartz, rose water, rose window, rose wine, rush rose, san diego bay, san francisco bay, sick bay, summer damask rose, sun rose, swamp bay, swamp rose mallow, sweet bay, tampa bay, tea rose, thunder bay, william rose benet, wind rose, winter rose