soft money(n = noun.possession) Array - political contributions made in such a way as to avoid the United States regulations for federal election campaigns (as by contributions to a political action committee); Array
is a kind of political contribution, political donation
amount of money, big money, blood money, brown soft scale, cheap money, conscience money, creeping soft grass, dirty money, earnest money, easy money, entrance money, fiat money, folding money, for love or money, hearth money, hush money, make money, maundy money, metal money, money, money belt, money box, money changer, money cowrie, money dealer, money handler, money hungry, money laundering, money mad, money market, money order, money plant, money saving, money supply, old money, paper money, pin money, pocket money, prize money, ransom money, ready money, seed money, ship money, smart money, soft, soft coal, soft copy, soft corn, soft cover, soft diet, soft drink, soft drug, soft flag, soft glass, soft goods, soft ice cream, soft market, soft news, soft on, soft option, soft palate, soft pedal, soft pretzel, soft roe, soft roll, soft rot, soft rush, soft scale, soft sell, soft shield fern, soft soap, soft solder, soft spoken, soft spot, soft steel, soft tick, soft touch, soft tree fern, soft water, soft wheat, spending money, sum of money, tight money, token money, waste of money