surveillance of disease(n = noun.act) Array - the ongoing systematic collection and analysis of data about an infectious disease that can lead to action being taken to control or prevent the disease; Array
is a kind of surveillance
addison's disease, air force intelligence surveillance and reconnaiss, albers-schonberg disease, albright's disease, alzheimer's disease, animal disease, autoimmune disease, autosomal dominant disease, autosomal recessive disease, bang's disease, banti's disease, basedow's disease, black disease, black lung disease, bleeder's disease, blood disease, bornholm disease, bosin's disease, brain disease, bright's disease, caisson disease, cardiovascular disease, cat scratch disease, celiac disease, center for disease control and prevention, chagas' disease, charcot-marie-tooth disease, chestnut-bark disease, christmas disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic wasting disease, communicable disease, congenital disease, contagious disease, coronary artery disease, coronary-artery disease, creutzfeldt-jakob disease, crohn's disease, cupid's disease, cushing's disease, cystic breast disease, darier's disease, deficiency disease, degenerative joint disease, disease, disease of the neuromuscular junction, disease of the skin, dutch elm disease, electronic surveillance, endemic disease, epidemic disease, eye disease, fibrocystic breast disease, fibrocystic disease of the breast, fibrocystic disease of the pancreas, foot-and-mouth disease, foreign intelligence surveillance act, foreign intelligence surveillance court, gaucher's disease, genetic disease, gland disease, glandular disease, graves' disease, green monkey disease, guinea worm disease, hand-schuller-christian disease, hansen's disease, hashimoto's disease, heart disease, hereditary disease, hirschsprung's disease, hodgkin's disease, hoof-and-mouth disease, hookworm disease, huntington's disease, hurler's disease, hyaline membrane disease, hydatid disease, idiopathic disease, industrial disease, infectious disease, inflammatory bowel disease, inflammatory disease, inherited disease, iron-storage disease, jakob-creutzfeldt disease, jumping disease, kakke disease, kawasaki disease, kidney disease, kissing disease, lafora's disease, leaf disease, legionnaires' disease, lime disease spirochete, liver disease, loco disease, lou gehrig's disease, lyme disease, m'82ni'8are's disease, mad cow disease, malignant neoplastic disease, maple syrup urine disease, marble bones disease, marburg disease, marie-strumpell disease, mcardle's disease, meniere's disease, mental disease, minamata disease, monilia disease, monogenic disease, neurological disease, newcastle disease, niemann-pick disease, occupational disease, paget's disease, parkinson's disease, parrot disease, pelvic inflammatory disease, periodontal disease, pick's disease, pink disease, pink disease fungus, plant disease, polycystic kidney disease, polygenic disease, potato disease, pott's disease, pullorum disease, pulseless disease, ragpicker's disease, ragsorter's disease, reiter's disease, respiratory disease, rheumatic heart disease, rhizoctinia disease, rickettsial disease, riggs' disease, ring disease, sachs disease, schuller-christian disease, sclerotium disease, serum disease, severe combined immunodeficiency disease, sexually transmitted disease, sickle-cell disease, skin disease, social disease, spielmeyer-vogt disease, steinert's disease, still's disease, surveillance, surveillance system, tay-sachs disease, thomsen's disease, tin disease, tsutsugamushi disease, valvular heart disease, venereal disease, von recklinghausen's disease, von willebrand's disease, wasting disease, weil's disease, werdnig-hoffman disease, werlhof's disease, wilson's disease, wilt disease, woolsorter's disease, zoonotic disease