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Hasil 181-200 / 341 ayat untuk greek:autouv. (Lihat Kamus Bahasa)
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Luke 11:49
For this reason also the wisdom of God said, ‘I will send them prophets and apostles, some of whom they will kill and persecute,’

Luke 14:5
Then he said to them, “Which of you, if you have a son or an ox that has fallen into a well on a Sabbath day, will not immediately pull him out?”

Luke 17:14
When he saw them he said, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went along, they were cleansed.

Luke 19:13
And he summoned ten of his slaves, gave them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Do business with these until I come back.’

Luke 22:47
While he was still speaking, suddenly a crowd appeared, and the man named Judas, one of the twelve, was leading them. He walked up to Jesus to kiss him.

Luke 22:70
So they all said, “Are you the Son of God, then?” He answered them, “You say that I am.”

Luke 23:12
That very day Herod and Pilate became friends with each other, for prior to this they had been enemies.

Luke 23:22
A third time he said to them, “Why? What wrong has he done? I have found him guilty of no crime deserving death. I will therefore flog him and release him.”

Luke 24:25
So he said to them, “You foolish people – how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken!

John 6:17
got into a boat, and started to cross the lake to Capernaum. (It had already become dark, and Jesus had not yet come to them.)

John 8:2
Early in the morning he came to the temple courts again. All the people came to him, and he sat down and began to teach them.

John 9:19
They asked the parents, “Is this your son, whom you say was born blind? Then how does he now see?”

Acts 1:7
He told them, “You are not permitted to know the times or periods that the Father has set by his own authority.

Acts 2:40
With many other words he testified and exhorted them saying, “Save yourselves from this perverse generation!”

Acts 3:11
While the man was hanging on to Peter and John, all the people, completely astounded, ran together to them in the covered walkway called Solomon’s Portico.

Acts 4:19
But Peter and John replied, “Whether it is right before God to obey you rather than God, you decide,

Acts 4:23
When they were released, Peter and John went to their fellow believers and reported everything the high priests and the elders had said to them.

Acts 4:33
With great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was on them all.

Acts 5:26
Then the commander of the temple guard went with the officers and brought the apostles without the use of force (for they were afraid of being stoned by the people).

Acts 7:26
The next day Moses saw two men fighting, and tried to make peace between them, saying, ‘Men, you are brothers; why are you hurting one another?’

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