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Hasil 421-440 / 642 ayat untuk greek:prov. (Lihat Kamus Bahasa)
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Acts 20:6
We sailed away from Philippi after the days of Unleavened Bread, and within five days we came to the others in Troas, where we stayed for seven days.

Acts 22:8
I answered, ‘Who are you, Lord?’ He said to me, ‘I am Jesus the Nazarene, whom you are persecuting.’

Acts 22:13
came to me and stood beside me and said to me, ‘Brother Saul, regain your sight!’ And at that very moment I looked up and saw him.

Acts 22:25
When they had stretched him out for the lash, Paul said to the centurion standing nearby, “Is it legal for you to lash a man who is a Roman citizen without a proper trial?”

Acts 23:17
Paul called one of the centurions and said, “Take this young man to the commanding officer, for he has something to report to him.”

Acts 24:12
They did not find me arguing with anyone or stirring up a crowd in the temple courts or in the synagogues or throughout the city,

Acts 25:19
Rather they had several points of disagreement with him about their own religion and about a man named Jesus who was dead, whom Paul claimed to be alive.

Acts 25:21
But when Paul appealed to be kept in custody for the decision of His Majesty the Emperor, I ordered him to be kept under guard until I could send him to Caesar.”

Acts 26:1
So Agrippa said to Paul, “You have permission to speak for yourself.” Then Paul held out his hand and began his defense:

Acts 27:3
The next day we put in at Sidon, and Julius, treating Paul kindly, allowed him to go to his friends so they could provide him with what he needed.

Acts 27:34
Therefore I urge you to take some food, for this is important for your survival. For not one of you will lose a hair from his head.”

Romans 1:10
and I always ask in my prayers, if perhaps now at last I may succeed in visiting you according to the will of God.

Romans 15:23
But now there is nothing more to keep me in these regions, and I have for many years desired to come to you

1 Corinthians 2:1
When I came to you, brothers and sisters, I did not come with superior eloquence or wisdom as I proclaimed the testimony of God.

1 Corinthians 4:19
But I will come to you soon, if the Lord is willing, and I will find out not only the talk of these arrogant people, but also their power.

1 Corinthians 6:5
I say this to your shame! Is there no one among you wise enough to settle disputes between fellow Christians?

1 Corinthians 10:11
These things happened to them as examples and were written for our instruction, on whom the ends of the ages have come.

1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see in a mirror indirectly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know in part, but then I will know fully, just as I have been fully known.

1 Corinthians 16:7
For I do not want to see you now in passing, since I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord allows.

1 Corinthians 16:11
So then, let no one treat him with contempt. But send him on his way in peace so that he may come to me. For I am expecting him with the brothers.

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