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 <<  1 Korintus 16%22 >> 

1NOW as far as the fund for Christians in need is concerned, I should like you to follow the same rule that I gave to the Galatian church.

2On the first day of the week let everyone put so much by him, according to his financial prosperity, so that there will be no need for collections when I come.

3Then, on my arrival, I will send whomever you approve to take your gift, with my written recommendation, to Jerusalem.

4If it seems right for me to go as well, we will make up a party together.

5I shall come to you after my intended journey through Macedonia

6and I may stay with you awhile or even spend the winter with you. Then you can see me on my waywherever it is that I go next.

7I don't wish to see you now, for it would merely be in passing, and I hope to spend some time with you, if it is the Lord's will.

8I shall stay here in Ephesus until the feast of Pentecost,

9for I have been given a great opportunity of doing useful work, and there are many against me.

10If Timothy comes to you, put him at his ease. He is as genuine a worker for the Lord as I am,

11and there is therefore no reason to look down on him. Send him on his way in peace, for I am expecting him to come to me hare with the other Christian brothers.

12As for our brother Apollos I pressed him strongly to go to you with the rest, but it was definitely not God's will for him to do so then. However, he will come to you as soon as an opportunity occurs.

13Be on your guard, stand firm in the faith, live like men, be strong!

14Let everything that you do be done in love.

15Now I have a request to make of you, my brothers. You remember the household of Stephanas, the first men of Achaia to be won for Christ? Well, they have made up their minds to devote their lives to looking after Christian brothers.

16I do beg you to recognise such men, and to extend your recognition to anyone who works and labours with them.

17I am very glad that Stephanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus have arrived. They have made up for what you were unable to do.

18They have relieved my anxiety and yours. You should appreciate having men like that!

19Greetings from the churches of Asia. Aquila and Prisca send you their warmest Christian greetings and so does the church that meets in their house.

20All the Christians here send greetings. I should like you to shake hands all round as a sign of Christian love.

21Here is my own greeting, written by me, Paul.

22"If any man does not love the Lord, a curse be on him; may the Lord soon come!"

23The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you and

24my love be with, you all in Christ Jesus.

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 <<  1 Korintus 16%22 >> 

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