Alkitab Mobile SABDA
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 <<  Amsal 14 >> 

1Wise women build up their homes, but with their own hands the foolish pull theirs down.

2A person whose conduct is upright fears the LORD; the double-dealer scorns him.

3The speech of a fool is a rod for his own back; the words of the wise are their safeguard.

4Where there are no oxen, the barn is empty; the strength of an ox ensures rich crops.

5A truthful witness does not deceive; the perjurer produces a pack of lies.

6The arrogant aspire in vain to wisdom, while to those with understanding, knowledge comes readily.

7Avoid a stupid person; you will not hear a word of sense from him.

8Someone who is clever will have the wit to find the right way; the folly of the stupid misleads them.

9Fools are too arrogant to make amends; the upright know what reconciliation requires.

10The heart knows its own bitterness, and in its joy a stranger has no part.

11The house of the wicked will be torn down, but the dwelling of the upright will flourish.

12A road may seem straightforward, yet end as the way to death.

13Even in laughter the heart can ache, and mirth may end in sorrow.

14Renegades reap the reward of their conduct, the good the reward of their achievements.

15A simpleton believes every word he hears; a clever person watches each step.

16One who is wise is cautious and avoids trouble, but one who is stupid is reckless and falls headlong.

17Impatience runs into folly; advancement comes by careful thought.

18Simpletons wear the trappings of folly; the clever are crowned with knowledge.

19Evildoers cringe before the good, the wicked at the door of the righteous.

20The poor are not liked even by their friends, but the rich have friends in plenty.

21Whoever despises the hungry does wrong, but happy are they who are generous to the poor.

22Do not those who intend evil go astray, while those with good intentions are loyal and faithful?

23The pains of toil bring gain; mere talk yields nothing but need.

24Their wealth is the crown of the wise, folly the chief ornament of the stupid.

25A truthful witness saves lives; a slanderer utters nothing but lies.

26One who is strong and trusts in the fear of the LORD will be a refuge for his children.

27The fear of the LORD is a fountain of life offering escape from the snares of death.

28Many subjects make for a king's glory; lack of them makes a prince of no account.

29To be patient shows great understanding; quick temper is the height of folly.

30Peace of mind gives health of body, but envy is a canker in the bones.

31To oppress the poor is to insult the Creator; to be generous to the needy is to do him honour.

32Evildoers are brought down by their wickedness; the upright find refuge in their honesty.

33Wisdom is at home in a discerning mind, but in the heart of a fool it is suppressed.

34Righteousness raises a people to greatness; to pursue wrong degrades a nation.

35A king shows favour to a prudent servant; his displeasure falls on those who fail him.

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 <<  Amsal 14 >> 

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