Emmanouhl Emmanouel
Pelafalan: em-man-oo-ale'
Asal Mula: of Hebrew origin 06005
Referensi: -
Jenis: n pr m
(noun pronoun masculine)
Dalam Yunani: emmanouhl 1
Dalam NET: Emmanuel 1
Dalam AV: Emmanuel 1
Jumlah: 1
- Emmanuel = "God with us"
1) the title applied to the Messiah, born of the virgin, Mt 1:23,
Isa 7:14, because Jesus was God united with man, and showed
that God was dwelling with man
- of Hebrew origin (6005); God with us; Emmanuel, a name of Christ: KJV -- Emmanuel.
see HEBREW for 06005
Ibrani Terkait: -
Variasi dalam Alkitab:
Emmanuel (NET, KJV, NRSV, TEV)
Immanuel (NIV)