scolazw scholazo
Pelafalan: skhol-ad'-zo
Asal Mula: from 4981
Referensi: -
Jenis: v
Dalam Yunani: scolashte 1, scolazonta 1, [scolazonta] 1
Dalam NET: empty 1, you may devote 1
Dalam AV: empty 1, give (one's) self to 1
Jumlah: 2
- 1) to cease from labour, to loiter
2) to be free from labour, to be at leisure, to be idle
2a) to have leisure for a thing
2b) to give one's self to a thing
3) of things
3a) of places, to be unoccupied, empty
3b) of a centurion's vacant office
3c) of vacant ecclesiastical offices
3d) of officers without charge
- from 4981; to take a holiday, i.e. be at leisure for (by implication, devote oneself wholly to); figuratively, to be vacant (of a house): KJV -- empty, give self.
see GREEK for 4981
Ibrani Terkait: hpr <07503>
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