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chairo <5463>

cairw chairo

Pelafalan: khah'-ee-ro

Asal Mula: a primary verb

Referensi: TDNT - 9:359,1298

Jenis: v (verb)

Dalam Yunani: caire 5, cairei 3, cairein 7, cairete 11, cairh 1, cairomen 2, cairontev 6, cairontwn 1, cairousin 1, cairw 8, cairwmen 1, cairwn 4, carhnai 2, carhsetai 2, carhsomai 1, carhsontai 1, carhte 3, ecairen 1, ecairon 1, ecarh 3, ecarhmen 1, ecarhn 3, ecarhsan 5, ecarhte 1

Dalam NET: rejoice 7, rejoicing 6, Rejoice 5, I rejoice 5, will rejoice 4, Greetings 4, Hail 3, rejoiced 3, I rejoiced 2, I am glad 2, be glad 1, greeting 1, glad 1, can rejoice 1, do rejoice 1, Let us rejoice 1, I was glad 1, I have joy 1, I will continue to rejoice 1, It is glad 1, They were delighted 1, greetings 1, a greeting 1, joyfully 1, was rejoicing 1, was glad 1, to rejoice 1, we feel 1, we rejoice 1, you can rejoice 1, you be glad 1, we rejoiced 1, those who rejoice 1, they were delighted 1, make rejoice 1, you would be glad 1, he will rejoice 1, rejoices 1, should be glad 1, they shouted 1, they began to rejoice 1, he rejoiced 1

Dalam AV: rejoice 42, be glad 14, joy 5, hail 5, greeting 3, God speed 2, all hail 1, joyfully 1, farewell 1

Jumlah: 74


Ibrani Terkait: bjy <03190>; sws <07797>; Mwlv <07965>; xms <08055>; bha <0157>; lyg <01523>; zle <05937>; Nnr <07442>

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