Pelafalan: hap'-tom-ahee
Asal Mula: reflexive of 681
Referensi: -
Jenis: v (verb)
Dalam Yunani: aptesyai 2, aptesye 1, aptetai 2, apthtai 1, aptou 1, aqamenov 2, aqh 1, aqhtai 2, aqwmai 2, aqwntai 3, hqanto 1, hqato 15
Dalam NET: touched 15, touch 5, I touch 2, to touch 2, he touched 2, Do handle 1, Do touch 1, they could just touch 1, to have sexual relations 1, they could touch 1, she had touched 1, is touching 1
Dalam AV: touch 36
Jumlah: 36
Ibrani Terkait: egn <05060>; xlv <07971>; jlv <07981>; zxa <0270>; qbd <01692>; brq <07126>
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