Pelafalan: ow-tos'
Asal Mula: from the particle au [perhaps akin to the base of 109 through the idea of a baffling wind] (backward)
Referensi: -
Jenis: pron (pronoun)
Dalam Yunani: auta 55, autaiv 21, autav 12, auth 130, authn 135, authv 168, auth] 2, auto 103, autoi 85, autoiv 546, autoiv] 1, auton 952, auton] 2, auton]] 1, autou 1394, autouv 357, autouv] 1, autouv]]] 1, autou] 2, autou]] 1, autov 166, auto] 1, autw 844, autwn 554, autwn] 2, [auta] 1, [authn] 1, [authv] 1, [autoiv] 5, [autoi] 1, [auton] 3, [autouv] 1, [autou] 8, [autwn] 2, [autw] 7
Dalam NET: him 1210, his 862, them 673, their 283, to him 258, to them 219, it 194, her 168, he 130, they 99, Jesus 83, himself 54, its 49, same 32, to her 28, for him 25, of them 25, His 23, of his 20, for them 17, of him 16, with them 12, on him 12, with him 12, Paul 11, themselves 11, yourselves 9, God 8, They 8, to Jesus 8, on them 8, John 7, Their 7, she 7, man 7, God's 6, people 6, ourselves 6, his own 6, that 6, to it 6, itself 6, He 5, there 4, before him 4, same things 4, at them 4, Her 4, his companions 4, myself 4, man's 4, this 4, Christ's 3, She 3, whose 3, his body 3, beast 3, Christ 3, To him 3, their own 3, his son 3, men 3, city 3, herself 3, to his 3, John's 3, of her 2, same thing 2, at him 2, for Jesus 2, for her 2, boy 2, of their 2, first man's 2, children 2, over him 2, on her 2, of it 2, injured man 2, alone 2, Peter and John 2, the man 2, Peter 2, that same 2, the same 2, Son 2, to man 2, to people 2, Saul 2, Lord 2, to 2, whom 2, Lazarus 2, yourself 2, alive 2, Paul and Silas 2, this man 2, with her 2, dragon's 1, Jews in the synagogue 1, for Gentile believers 1, Jerusalem saints 1, Levi's 1, Lamb 1, father 1, Jewish leaders 1, first two 1, Herod 1, Crete 1, her body 1, he experienced 1, At that moment 1, her own 1, Abraham 1, Abraham's 1, Elizabeth 1, governing 1, for himself 1, Israel 1, Him 1, for these 1, gospel 1, from him 1, Its 1, Moses 1, Stephen 1, beast's 1, baby's 1, before them 1, beggar 1, blessing 1, believers 1, To the one 1, Zechariah's 1, against them 1, around him 1, ark 1, against him 1, as well 1, about them 1, at Paul 1, blind man's 1, body 1, Paul and Barnabas 1, council 1, Paul's 1, angel 1, cross 1, disciples 1, crowd 1, child's 1, Peter's 1, Simon 1, books 1, Simeon 1, by itself 1, Samaritans 1, child 1, Mary 1, locusts 1, their way 1, theirs 1, their sight 1, their number 1, their homes 1, these 1, these false teachers 1, those 1, this reason 1, these things 1, these men 1, their hearing 1, their hands 1, that basis 1, such people 1, such branches 1, such a person 1, that person 1, that very hour 1, the twelve 1, the same thing 1, the same sentence 1, the first slave 1, those people 1, those sacrifices 1, widow 1, with Jesus 1, virgins 1, victims 1, very thing 1, with their 1, women 1, your slaves 1, your host 1, young man 1, you 1, two of you 1, together 1, to Judas 1, to God 1, to Abraham 1, those who brought them 1, to himself 1, to his companions 1, to those 1, to person 1, to his needs 1, to his disciples 1, speaking 1, some 1, its power 1, kings and their armies 1, it's 1, island 1, into their hands 1, manager 1, neighboring 1, of lies 1, of its own 1, of James 1, of God's 1, in their 1, in the same way 1, his own companions 1, his home 1, his family 1, his control 1, his own face 1, his parents 1, in it 1, his them 1, his slave 1, his sake 1, of the law 1, of the man 1, rulers 1, same kinds 1, right behind 1, replied 1, prophets 1, same place 1, second beast 1, sheep 1, she her 1, she had 1, servants 1, police officers 1, person's 1, one another 1, one 1, on it 1, on his back 1, one place 1, one's 1, people's 1, parents 1, over them 1, others 1, his Son 1
Dalam AV: him 1952, his 1084, their 318, he 253, her 242, they 121, same 80, himself 58, misc 1679
Jumlah: 5787
Ibrani Terkait: -