pistov pistos
Pelafalan: pis-tos'
Asal Mula: from 3982
Referensi: TDNT - 6:174,849
Jenis: adj
Dalam Yunani: pista 2, pistav 1, piste 2, pisth 1, pisthn 1, pisthv 1, pistoi 7, pistoiv 4, piston 5, pistou 2, pistouv 2, pistov 33, pistw 4, pistwn 2
Dalam TB: setia 24, yang setia 10, percaya 5, benar 3, yang dapat dipercayai 3, orang-orang percaya 3, dipercayai 2, Benarlah 2, yang percaya 2, orang percaya 2, yang benar 1, Setia 1, seorang percaya 1, beriman 1, dapat dipercayai 1, orang yang percaya 1, telah setia 1, percayalah 1, yang beriman 1
Dalam AV: faithful 53, believe 6, believing 2, true 2, faithfully 1, believer 1, sure 1, not tr 1
Jumlah: 0
- mempercayai secara teguh; dipercayakan
- setia, percaya; subst.: orang percaya
- 1) trusty, faithful
1a) of persons who show themselves faithful in the
transaction of business, the execution of commands, or
the discharge of official duties
1b) one who kept his plighted faith, worthy of trust
1c) that can be relied on
2) easily persuaded
2a) believing, confiding, trusting
2b) in the NT one who trusts in God's promises
2b1) one who is convinced that Jesus has been raised from the dead
2b2) one who has become convinced that Jesus is the Messiah
and author of salvation
- from 3982; objectively, trustworthy; subjectively, trustful: KJV -- believe(-ing, -r), faithful(-ly), sure, true.
see GREEK for 3982
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