sabbaton sabbaton
Pelafalan: sab'-bat-on
Asal Mula: of Hebrew origin 07676
Referensi: TDNT - 7:1,989
Jenis: n n
(noun neuter)
Dalam Yunani: sabbasin 13, sabbata 1, sabbaton 14, sabbatou 13, sabbatw 16, sabbatwn 11
Dalam TB: hari Sabat 38, Sabat 12, minggu 8, sabat 1, Hari Sabat 1, pada hari-hari Sabat 1, hari Yesus 1, seminggu 1, hari-hari Sabat 1, pada hari Sabat 1
Dalam AV: sabbath day 37, sabbath 22, week 9
Jumlah: 68
- [neuter] (sering jamak; hari suci Yahudi untuk menyembah dan beristirahat) hari ketujuh, Sabat () hari Sabat); Minggu ( atau hari pertama dalam seminggu; pada hari pertama setiap minggu, setiap hari minggu 1Kor 16.2; dua kali seminggu Luk 18.12); bnd
- Sabat (hari ketujuh), minggu
- 1) the seventh day of each week which was a sacred festival on
which the Israelites were required to abstain from all work
1a) the institution of the sabbath, the law for keeping holy
every seventh day of the week
1b) a single sabbath, sabbath day
2) seven days, a week
- of Hebrew origin (7676); the Sabbath (i.e. Shabbath), or day of weekly repose from secular avocations (also the observance or institution itself); by extension, a se'nnight, i.e. the interval between two Sabbaths; likewise the plural in all the above applications: KJV -- sabbath (day), week.
see HEBREW for 07676
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