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Found 1 definition: acceptation.

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Pos: Noun

Noun acceptation has 3 senses

1.  acceptation(n = noun.state) - acceptance as true or valid;
is a kind of
Derived forms verb accept1, verb accept4, verb accept3, verb accept9

2.  acceptation(n = noun.communication) word meaning, word sense - the accepted meaning of a word;
is a kind of sense, signified
Derived form verb accept1

3.  acceptation(n = noun.act) acceptance, adoption, espousal - the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception; "its adoption by society"; "the proposal found wide acceptance"
is a kind of approval, approving, blessing
has particulars: bosom, embrace
Derived forms verb accept4, verb accept3, verb accept2


acceptation, n.

1.  Acceptance; reception; favorable reception or regard; state of being acceptable. [1913 Webster]
"This is saying worthy of all acceptation." [1913 Webster]
"Some things . . . are notwithstanding of so great dignity and acceptation with God." [1913 Webster]

2.  The meaning in which a word or expression is understood, or generally received; as, term is to be used according to its usual acceptation. [1913 Webster]
"My words, in common acceptation,
Could never give this provocation.
" [1913 Webster]


acceptation, n. a particular sense, or the generally recognized meaning, of a word or phrase.

ME f. OF f. med.L acceptatio (as ACCEPT)



N  meaning, signification, significance, sense, expression, import, purport, force, drift, tenor, spirit, bearing, coloring, scope, substance, gist, essence, marrow, spirit, matter, subject, subject matter, argument, text, sum and substance, general meaning, broad meaning, substantial meaning, colloquial meaning, literal meaning, plain meaning, simple meaning, natural meaning, unstrained meaning, true meaning, honest meaning, &c 543 prima facie meaning, letter of the law, literally, after acceptation, synonym, implication, allusion, suggestion, figure of speech, acceptation, meaning, expressive, suggestive, allusive, significant, significative, significatory, pithy, full of meaning, pregnant with meaning, declaratory, intelligible, literal, synonymous, tantamount, implied, explicit, to that effect, that is to say.


N  interpretation, definition, explanation, explication, solution, answer, rationale, plain interpretation, simple interpretation, strict interpretation, meaning, translation, rendering, rendition, redition, literal translation, free translation, key, secret, clew, clavis, crib, pony, trot, exegesis, expounding, exposition, hermeneutics, comment, commentary, inference, illustration, exemplification, gloss, annotation, scholium, note, elucidation, dilucidation, eclaircissement, mot d'enigme, symptomatology, semiology, semeiology, semiotics, metoposcopy, physiognomy, paleography, oneirology acception, acceptation, acceptance, light, reading, lection, construction, version, equivalent, equivalent meaning, synonym, paraphrase, metaphrase, convertible terms, apposition, dictionary, polyglot, explanatory, expository, explicative, explicatory, exegetical, construable, polyglot, literal, paraphrastic, metaphrastic, consignificative, synonymous, equivalent, in explanation, that is to say, id est, videlicet, to wit, namely, in other words, literally, strictly speaking, in plain, in plainer terms, in plainer words, in plainer English, more simply.