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Found 1 definition: espousal.

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Pos: Noun

Noun espousal has 3 senses

1.  espousal(n = noun.act) bridal - archaic terms for a wedding or wedding feast;
is a kind of marriage, marriage ceremony, wedding

2.  espousal(n = noun.act) betrothal - the act of becoming betrothed or engaged;
is a kind of rite, ritual

3.  espousal(n = noun.act) acceptance, acceptation, adoption - the act of accepting with approval; favorable reception; "its adoption by society"; "the proposal found wide acceptance"
is a kind of approval, approving, blessing
has particulars: bosom, embrace
Derived form verb espouse1


espousal, n. [OF. espousailles, pl., F. épousailles, L. sponsalia, fr. sponsalis belonging to betrothal or espousal. See Espouse, and cf. Sponsal, Spousal.].

1.  The act of espousing or betrothing; especially, in the plural, betrothal; plighting of the troths; a contract of marriage; sometimes, the marriage ceremony. [1913 Webster]

2.  The uniting or allying one's self with anything; maintenance; adoption; as, the espousal of a quarrel. [1913 Webster]
"The open espousal of his cause." [1913 Webster]


espousal, n.
1 (foll. by of) the espousing of a cause etc.
2 archaic a marriage or betrothal.

ME f. OF espousailles f. L sponsalia neut. pl. of sponsalis (as ESPOUSE)