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Found 1 definition: alto.

alto top

Pos: Adjective, Noun

Noun alto has 5 senses

1.  alto(n = noun.person) - a singer whose voice lies in the alto clef;
is a kind of
singer, vocaliser, vocalist, vocalizer
has particulars: countertenor

2.  alto(n = noun.communication) contralto - the lowest female singing voice;
is a kind of singing voice
Derived form adjective alto1

3.  alto(n = noun.communication) countertenor - the highest adult male singing voice;
is a kind of singing voice
Derived form adjective alto2

4.  alto(n = noun.attribute) - (of a musical instrument) the second highest instrument in a family of musical instruments;
is a kind of
Derived form adjective alto3

5.  alto(n = noun.attribute) - the pitch range of the lowest female voice;
is a kind of
Derived form adjective alto1

Adjective alto has 3 senses

1.  alto(s = adj.all) contralto - of or being the lowest female voice;
Derived forms noun alto5, noun alto2

2.  alto(s = adj.all) countertenor - of or being the highest male voice; having a range above that of tenor;
Derived form noun alto3

3.  alto(s = adj.all) - (of a musical instrument) second highest member of a group; "alto clarinet or recorder"
Derived form noun alto4


alto, n. [It. alto high, fr. L. altus. Cf. Alt.].

1.  Formerly the part sung by the highest male, or counter-tenor, voices; now the part sung by the lowest female, or contralto, voices, between in tenor and soprano. In instrumental music it now signifies the tenor. [1913 Webster]

2.  An alto singer. [1913 Webster]

Alto clef (Mus.) the counter-tenor clef, or the C clef, placed so that the two strokes include the middle line of the staff. Moore.


alto, n. (pl. -os)
2 a the highest adult male singing-voice, above tenor. b a singer with this voice. c a part written for it.
3 a (attrib.) denoting the member of a family of instruments pitched second- or third-highest. b an alto instrument, esp. an alto saxophone.

alto clef a clef placing middle C on the middle line of the staff, used chiefly for viola music.

It. alto (canto) high (singing)



N  stridor, creak, creaking, discord, stridor, roughness, sharpness cacophony, cacoepy, acute note, high note, soprano, treble, tenor, alto, falsetto, penny trumpet, voce di testa, creaking, stridulous, harsh, coarse, hoarse, horrisonous, rough, gruff, grum, sepulchral, hollow, sharp, high, acute, shrill, trumpet-toned, piercing, ear-piercing, high-pitched, high-toned, cracked, discordant, cacophonous.


alto clef, alto relievo, alto rilievo, alto saxophonist, palo alto