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Found 1 definition: bottleneck.

bottleneck top

Pos: Noun, Verb (transitive)

Noun bottleneck has 2 senses

1.  bottleneck(n = noun.shape) chokepoint, constriction - a narrowing that reduces the flow through a channel;
is a kind of narrowing
Derived form verb bottleneck2

2.  bottleneck(n = noun.artifact) - the narrow part of a bottle near the top;
is a kind of
part, portion

Verb bottleneck has 2 senses

1.  bottleneck(v = verb.social) - slow down or impede by creating an obstruction; "His laziness has bottlenecked our efforts to reform the system"
is one way to
block, blockade, embarrass, hinder, obstruct, stymie, stymy
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something

2.  bottleneck(v = verb.change) - become narrow, like a bottleneck; "Right by the bridge, the road bottlenecks"
is one way to
contract, narrow
Derived form noun bottleneck1
Sample sentences: Something ----s



1.  a location or situation in which otherwise rapid progress is impeded. [PJC]

2.  a point at which road traffic slows due to congestion or narrowing of the roadway. [PJC]

3.  an impasse. [PJC]

4.  a narrowing. [WordNet 1.5]

bottleneck, v. t.

   same as obstruct; as, his laziness has bottlenecked our efforts to reform the system. [WordNet 1.5]

bottleneck, v. i.

   to become narrower as one approaches a point; -- said of roads; as, right by the bridge, the road bottlenecks. [WordNet 1.5]


bottleneck, n.
1 a point at which the flow of traffic, production, etc., is constricted.
2 a narrow place causing constriction.