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Found 2 definition: butcher, broom.

butcher top

Pos: Noun, Verb (transitive)

Noun butcher has 4 senses

1.  butcher(n = noun.person) meatman - a retailer of meat;
is a kind of merchandiser, merchant
has particulars: pork butcher
Derived form verb butcher1

2.  butcher(n = noun.person) - a brutal indiscriminate murderer;
is a kind of
liquidator, manslayer, murderer

3.  butcher(n = noun.person) slaughterer - a person who slaughters or dresses meat for market;
is a kind of skilled worker, skilled workman, trained worker
has particulars: knacker
Derived form verb butcher1

4.  butcher(n = noun.person) blunderer, botcher, bumbler, bungler, fuckup, fumbler, sad sack, stumbler - someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence;
is a kind of incompetent, incompetent person
Derived form adjective butcherly1

Verb butcher has 1 senses

   butcher(v = verb.contact) slaughter - kill (animals) usually for food consumption; "They slaughtered their only goat to survive the winter"
is one way to kill
Derived forms noun butcher3, noun butcher1, noun butchery3, noun butchery2, noun butchery1
Sample sentences: They want to butcher the prisoners


butcher, n. [OE. bochere, bochier, OF. bochier, F. boucher, orig., slaughterer of buck goats, fr. OF. boc, F. bouc, a buck goat; of German or Celtic origin. See Buck the animal.].

1.  One who slaughters animals, or dresses their flesh for market; one whose occupation it is to kill animals for food. [1913 Webster]

2.  A slaughterer; one who kills in large numbers, or with unusual cruelty; one who causes needless loss of life, as in battle. Shak. [1913 Webster]

Butcher's meat, such flesh of animals slaughtered for food as is sold for that purpose by butchers, as beef, mutton, lamb, and pork.

butcher, v. t.

1.  To kill or slaughter (animals) for food, or for market; as, to butcher hogs. [1913 Webster]

2.  To murder, or kill, especially in an unusually bloody or barbarous manner. Macaulay. [1913 Webster]
"[Ithocles] was murdered, rather butchered." [1913 Webster]

3.  to bungle badly; to botch; -- used also when an object is damaged (literally or figuratively) in an activity; as, the new choir butchered the hymn. [PJC]


butcher, n. & v.
1 a a person whose trade is dealing in meat. b a person who slaughters animals for food.
2 a person who kills or has people killed indiscriminately or brutally.
1 slaughter or cut up (an animal) for food.
2 kill (people) wantonly or cruelly.
3 ruin (esp. a job or a musical composition) through incompetence.

the butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker people of all kinds or trades. butcher-bird a shrike of the genus Lanius, native to Australia and New Guinea, with a long hook-tipped bill for catching prey. butcher's rhymingsl. a look (short for butcher's hook). butcher's-broom a low spiny-leaved evergreen shrub, Ruscus aculeatus. butcher's meat slaughtered fresh meat excluding game, poultry, and bacon.

butcherly adv.

ME f. OF bo(u)chier f. boc BUCK(1)


Evil doer

N  evil doer, evil worker, wrongdoer, mischief-maker, marplot, oppressor, tyrant, destroyer, Vandal, iconoclast, firebrand, incendiary, fire bug, pyromaniac, anarchist, communist, terrorist, savage, brute, ruffian, barbarian, semibarbarian, caitiff, desperado, Apache, hoodlum, hood, plug-ugly, Red Skin, tough, Mohawk, Mo-hock, Mo-hawk, bludgeon man, bully, rough, hooligan, larrikin, dangerous classes, ugly customer, thief, cockatrice, scorpion, hornet, snake, viper, adder, snake in the grass, serpent, cobra, asp, rattlesnake, anaconda, canker-worm, wire-worm, locust, Colorado beetle, alacran, alligator, caymon, crocodile, mosquito, mugger, octopus, torpedo, bane, cutthroat, cannibal, anthropophagus, anthropophagist, bloodsucker, vampire, ogre, ghoul, gorilla, vulture, gyrfalcon, gerfalcon, wild beast, tiger, hyena, butcher, hangman, blood-hound, hell- hound, sleuth-hound, catamount, cougar, jaguar, puma, hag, hellhag, beldam, Jezebel, monster, fiend, devil incarnate, demon in human shape, Frankenstein's monster, harpy, siren, Furies, Eumenides, Hun, Attila, scourge of the human race, faenum habet in cornu.


N  killing, homicide, manslaughter, murder, assassination, trucidation, iccusion, effusion of blood, blood, blood shed, gore, slaughter, carnage, butchery, battue, massacre, fusillade, noyade, thuggery, Thuggism, deathblow, finishing stroke, coup de grace, quietus, execution, judicial murder, martyrdom, butcher, slayer, murderer, Cain, assassin, terrorist, cutthroat, garroter, bravo, Thug, Moloch, matador, sabreur, guet-a-pens, gallows, executioner, man-eater, apache, hatchet man, highbinder, regicide, parricide, matricide, fratricide, infanticide, feticide, foeticide, uxoricide, vaticide, suicide, felo de se, hara-kiri, suttee, Juggernath, immolation, auto da fe, holocaust, suffocation, strangulation, garrote, hanging, lapidation, deadly weapon, Aceldama, slaughtering, phthisozoics, sport, sporting, the chase, venery, hunting, coursing, shooting, fishing, pig- sticking, sportsman, huntsman, fisherman, hunter, Nimrod, slaughterhouse, meat packing plant, shambles, abattoir, fatal accident, violent death, casualty, killing, murderous, slaughterous, sanguinary, sanguinolent, blood stained, blood thirsty, homicidal, red handed, bloody, bloody minded, ensanguined, gory, thuggish, mortal, fatal, lethal, dead, deadly, mortiferous, lethiferous, unhealthy internecine, suicidal, sporting, piscatorial, piscatory, in at the death, assassination has never changed the history of the.

VB  kill, put to death, slay, shed blood, murder, assassinate, butcher, slaughter, victimize, immolate, massacre, take away life, deprive of life, make away with, put an end to, despatch, dispatch, burke, settle, do for, strangle, garrote, hang, throttle, choke, stifle, suffocate, stop the breath, smother, asphyxiate, drown, saber, cut down, cut to pieces, cut the throat, jugulate, stab, run through the body, bayonet, eviscerate, put to the sword, put to the edge of the sword, shoot dead, blow one's brains out, brain, knock on the head, stone, lapidate, give a deathblow, deal a deathblow, give a quietus, give a coupe de grace, behead, bowstring, electrocute, gas, hunt, shoot, cut off, nip in the bud, launch into eternity, send to one's last account, sign one's death warrant, strike the death knell of, give no quarter, pour out blood like water, decimate, run amuck, wade knee deep in blood, imbrue one's hands in blood, die a violent death, welter in one's blood, dash out one's brains, blow out one's brains, commit suicide, kill oneself, make away with oneself, put an end to oneself, put an end to it all.


butcher bird, butcher block, butcher board, butcher cumberland, butcher knife, butcher paper, butcher shop, pork butcher

broom top

Pos: Noun, Verb (transitive)

Noun broom has 3 senses

1.  broom(n = noun.artifact) - a cleaning implement for sweeping; bundle of straws or twigs attached to a long handle;
is a kind of
cleaning device, cleaning equipment, cleaning implement
has parts: broom handle, broomstick
has particulars: besom, push broom, whisk, whisk broom
Derived form verb broom1

2.  broom(n = noun.plant) - any of various shrubs of the genera Cytisus or Genista or Spartium having long slender branches and racemes of yellow flowers;
is a kind of
bush, shrub
is a member of papilionoideae, subfamily papilionoideae
has particulars: weeping tree broom, cytisus albus, cytisus multiflorus, white broom, white spanish broom, common broom, cytisus scoparius, green broom, scotch broom, broom tree, genista anglica, needle furze, petty whin, genista hispanica, spanish broom, spanish gorse, dyer's-broom, dyer's greenweed, dyeweed, genista tinctoria, greenweed, whin, woadwaxen, woodwaxen, spanish broom, spartium junceum, weaver's broom

3.  broom(n = noun.plant) calluna vulgaris, heather, ling, scots heather - common Old World heath represented by many varieties; low evergreen grown widely in the northern hemisphere;
is a kind of heath
is a member of calluna, genus calluna

Verb broom has 2 senses

1.  broom(v = verb.contact) sweep - sweep with a broom or as if with a broom; "Sweep the crumbs off the table"; "Sweep under the bed"
is one way to pass over, wipe
Derived form noun broom1
Sample sentences: Something is ----ing PP; Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something; Somebody ----s PP

2.  broom(v = verb.contact) - finish with a broom;
is one way to
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something


broom, n. [OE. brom, brome, AS. brōm; akin to LG. bram, D. brem, OHG. brāmo broom, thornbush, G. brombeere blackberry. Cf. Bramble, n.].

1.  A plant having twigs suitable for making brooms to sweep with when bound together; esp., the Cytisus scoparius of Western Europe, which is a low shrub with long, straight, green, angular branches, minute leaves, and large yellow flowers. [1913 Webster]
"No gypsy cowered o'er fires of furze and broom." [1913 Webster]

2.  An implement for sweeping floors, etc., commonly made of the panicles or tops of broom corn, bound together or attached to a long wooden handle; -- so called because originally made of the twigs of the broom. [1913 Webster]

Butcher's broom, a plant (Ruscus aculeatus) of the Smilax family, used by butchers for brooms to sweep their blocks; -- called also knee holly. See Cladophyll. -- Dyer's broom, a species of mignonette (Reseda luteola), used for dyeing yellow; dyer's weed; dyer's rocket. -- Spanish broom. See under Spanish.

broom, v. t.

   See Bream. [1913 Webster]


broom, n.
1 a long-handled brush of bristles, twigs, etc. for sweeping (orig. one made of twigs of broom).
2 any of various shrubs, esp. Cytisus scoparius bearing bright yellow flowers.

new broom a newly appointed person eager to make changes.

OE brom



N  cleanness, cleanliness, purity, cleaning, purification, defecation, purgation, lustration, detersion, abstersion, epuration, mundation, ablution, lavation, colature, disinfection, drainage, sewerage, lavatory, laundry, washhouse, washerwoman, laundress, dhobi, laundryman, washerman, scavenger, dustman, sweep, white wings brush, broom, besom, mop, rake, shovel, sieve, riddle, screen, filter, blotter, napkin, cloth, maukin, malkin, handkerchief, towel, sudary, doyley, doily, duster, sponge, mop, swab, cover, drugget, wash, lotion, detergent, cathartic, purgative, purifier, disinfectant, aperient, benzene, benzine benzol, benolin, bleaching powder, chloride of lime, dentifrice, deobstruent, laxative, clean, cleanly, pure, immaculate, spotless, stainless, taintless, trig, without a stain, unstained, unspotted, unsoiled, unsullied, untainted, uninfected, sweet, sweet as a nut, neat, spruce, tidy, trim, gimp, clean as a new penny, like a cat in pattens, cleaned, kempt, abstergent, cathartic, cleansing, purifying, neatly, clean as a whistle.


broom beard grass, broom closet, broom corn, broom grass, broom handle, broom palm, broom rape, broom sedge, broom snakeroot, broom snakeweed, broom tree, butcher's broom, chaparral broom, common broom, green broom, indigo broom, push broom, scotch broom, spanish broom, weaver's broom, weeping tree broom, whisk broom, white broom, white spanish broom, witch broom, witches' broom