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Found 1 definition: calm.

calm top

Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle), Adjective

Noun calm has 2 senses

1.  calm(n = noun.attribute) calmness, composure, equanimity - steadiness of mind under stress; "he accepted their problems with composure and she with equanimity"
is a kind of disposition, temperament
has particulars: aplomb, assuredness, cool, poise, sang-froid, placidity, quiet, repose, serenity, tranquility, tranquillity
Derived forms verb calm4, verb calm3, adjective calm1

2.  calm(n = noun.phenomenon) calm air - wind moving at less than 1 knot; 0 on the Beaufort scale;
is a kind of air current, current of air, wind
is a part of beaufort scale, wind scale

Verb calm has 4 senses

1.  calm(v = verb.emotion) calm down, lull, quiet, quieten, still, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillize - make calm or still; "quiet the dragons of worry and fear"
is one way to comfort, console, solace, soothe
Antonym: agitate
Sample sentences: The performance is likely to calm Sue

2.  calm(v = verb.change) becalm, steady - make steady; "steady yourself"
is one way to stabilise, stabilize
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody; Something ----s somebody; Something ----s something

3.  calm(v = verb.emotion) calm down, chill out, cool it, cool off, settle down, simmer down - become quiet or calm, especially after a state of agitation; "After the fight both men need to cool off."; "It took a while after the baby was born for things to settle down again."
is one way to change state, turn
Derived form noun calm1
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s

4.  calm(v = verb.body) sedate, tranquilize, tranquillise, tranquillize - cause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative to; "The patient must be sedated before the operation"
is one way to affect
Derived form noun calm1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s somebody

Adjective calm has 2 senses

1.  calm(s = adj.all) serene, tranquil, unagitated - not agitated; without losing self-possession; "spoke in a calm voice"; "remained calm throughout the uproar"; "he remained serene in the midst of turbulence"; "a serene expression on her face"; "she became more tranquil"; "tranquil life in the country"
Derived forms noun calm1, noun calmness1, noun calmness3

2.  calm(a = adj.all) - (of weather) free from storm or wind; "calm seas"
Derived form noun calmness2


calm, n. [OE. calme, F. calme, fr. It. or Sp. calma (cf. Pg. calma heat), prob. fr. LL. cauma heat, fr. Gr. kay^ma burning heat, fr. kai`ein to burn; either because during a great heat there is generally also a calm, or because the hot time of the day obliges us seek for shade and quiet; cf. Caustic].

   Freedom from motion, agitation, or disturbance; a cessation or absence of that which causes motion or disturbance, as of winds or waves; tranquility; stillness; quiet; serenity. [1913 Webster]
"The wind ceased, and there was a great calm." [1913 Webster]
"A calm before a storm is commonly a peace of a man's own making." [1913 Webster]

calm, v. i. [Cf. F. calmer. See Calm, n.].

1.  To make calm; to render still or quiet, as elements; as, to calm the winds. [1913 Webster]
"To calm the tempest raised by Eolus." [1913 Webster]

2.  To deliver from agitation or excitement; to still or soothe, as the mind or passions. [1913 Webster]
"Passions which seem somewhat calmed."

Syn. -- To still; quiet; appease; allay; pacify; tranquilize; soothe; compose; assuage; check; restrain.

calm, a.

1.  Not stormy; without motion, as of winds or waves; still; quiet; serene; undisturbed. Spenser. [1913 Webster]
"Now all is calm, and fresh, and still." [1913 Webster]

2.  Undisturbed by passion or emotion; not agitated or excited; tranquil; quiet in act or speech. [1913 Webster]
"Such calm old age as conscience pure
And self-commanding hearts ensure.

Syn. -- Still; quiet; undisturbed; tranquil; peaceful; serene; composed; unruffled; sedate; collected; placid.


calm, adj., n., & v.
1 tranquil, quiet, windless (a calm sea; a calm night).
2 (of a person or disposition) settled; not agitated (remained calm throughout the ordeal).
3 self-assured, confident (his calm assumption that we would wait).
1 a state of being calm; stillness, serenity.
2 a period without wind or storm.
--v.tr. & intr. (often foll. by down) make or become calm.

calmly adv. calmness n.

ME ult. f. LL cauma f. Gk kauma heat



VB  dissuade, dehort, cry out against, remonstrate, expostulate, warn, contraindicate, disincline, indispose, shake, stagger, dispirit, discourage, dishearten, deter, repress, hold back, keep back, render averse, repel, turn aside, wean from, act as a drag, throw cold water on, damp, cool, chill, blunt, calm, quiet, quench, deprecate, disenchant, disillusion, deflate, take down a peg, pop one's balloon, prick one's balloon, burst one's bubble, disabuse (correction).


N  leisure, convenience, spare time, spare hours, spare moments, vacant hour, time, time to spare, time on one's hands, holiday, relaxation, otium cum dignitate, ease, no hurry, no big rush, no deadline, leisure, leisurely, slow, deliberate, quiet, calm, undisturbed, at leisure, at one's ease, at loose ends, at a loose end, unhurriedly, deliberately, without undue haste, anytime, time hanging heavy on one's hands, eile mit Weile.


N  peace, amity, harmony, tranquility, calm, truce, peace treaty, accord, peace pipe, pipe of peace, calumet of peace, piping time of peace, quiet life, neutrality, dove of peace, white dove, dove, pax Romana, Pax Americana, pacific, peaceable, peaceful, calm, tranquil, untroubled, halcyon, bloodless, neutral, dovish, the storm blown over, the lion lies down with the lamb, all quiet on the Potomac, paritur pax bello, peace hath her victories no less renowned than war, they make a desert and they call it peace, peace, amity, harmony, tranquility, calm, truce, peace treaty, accord, peace pipe, pipe of peace, calumet of peace, piping time of peace, quiet life, neutrality, dove of peace, white dove, dove, pax Romana, Pax Americana, pacific, peaceable, peaceful, calm, tranquil, untroubled, halcyon, bloodless, neutral, dovish, the storm blown over, the lion lies down with the lamb, all quiet on the Potomac, paritur pax bello, peace hath her victories no less renowned than war, they make a desert and they call it peace.


N  inexcitability, imperturbability, inirritability, even temper, tranquil mind, dispassion, tolerance, patience, coolth, passiveness, hebetude, hebetation, impassibility, stupefaction, coolness, calmness, composure, placidity, indisturbance, imperturbation, sang froid, tranquility, serenity, quiet, quietude, peace of mind, mental calmness, staidness, gravity, sobriety, Quakerism, philosophy, equanimity, stoicism, command of temper, self-possession, self-control, self-command, self-restraint, ice water in one's veins, presence of mind, submission, resignation, sufferance, supportance, endurance, longsufferance, forbearance, longanimity, fortitude, patience of Job, patience on a monument, patience 'sovereign o'er transmuted ill', moderation, repression of feelings, subjugation of feeling, restraint, tranquillization, inexcitable, unexcitable, imperturbable, unsusceptible, unpassionate, dispassionate, cold-blooded, irritable, enduring, stoical, Platonic, philosophic, staid, stayed, sober, sober minded, grave, sober as a judge, grave as a judge, sedate, demure, cool-headed, easy-going, peaceful, placid, calm, quiet as a mouse, tranquil, serene, cool as a cucumber, cool as a custard, undemonstrative, temperate, composed, collected, unexcited, unstirred, unruffled, undisturbed, unperturbed, unimpassioned, unoffended, unresisting, meek, tolerant, patient, patient as Job, submissive, tame, content, resigned, chastened, subdued, lamblike, gentle as a lamb, suaviter in modo, mild as mothers milk, soft as peppermint, armed with patience, bearing with, clement, long-suffering, like patience on a monument smiling at grief, aequo animo, in cold blood, more in sorrow than in anger, Int, patience!, and shuffle the cards, cool calm and collected, keep calm in the midst of a storm, adversity's sweet milk, philosophy, mens aequa in arduis philosophia stemma non inspec, quo me cumque rapit tempestas deferor hospes, they also serve who only stand and wait.


VB  be moderate, keep within bounds, keep within compass, sober down, settle down, keep the peace, remit, relent, take in sail, moderate, soften, mitigate, temper, accoy, attemper, contemper, mollify, lenify, dulcify, dull, take off the edge, blunt, obtund, sheathe, subdue, chasten, sober down, tone down, smooth down, weaken, lessen, check palliate, tranquilize, pacify, assuage, appease, swag, lull, soothe, compose, still, calm, calm down, cool, quiet, hush, quell, sober, pacify, tame, damp, lay, allay, rebate, slacken, smooth, alleviate, rock to sleep, deaden, smooth, throw cold water on, throw a wet blanket over, turn off, slake, curb, tame, smooth over, pour oil on the waves, pour oil on the troubled waters, pour balm into, mattre de l'eau dans son vin, go out like a lamb, roar you as gently as any sucking dove.

N  moderation, lenity, temperateness, gentleness, sobriety, quiet, mental calmness, moderating, anaphrodisia, relaxation, remission, mitigation, tranquilization, assuagement, contemporation, pacification, measure, juste milieu, golden mean, ariston metron, moderator, lullaby, sedative, lenitive, demulcent, antispasmodic, carminative, laudanum, rose water, balm, poppy, opiate, anodyne, milk, opium, poppy or mandragora, wet blanket, palliative, moderate, lenient, gentle, mild, mellow, cool, sober, temperate, reasonable, measured, tempered, calm, unruffled, quiet, tranquil, still, slow, smooth, untroubled, tame, peaceful, peaceable, pacific, halcyon, unexciting, unirritating, soft, bland, oily, demulcent, lenitive, anodyne, hypnotic, sedative, antiorgastic, anaphrodisiac, mild as mother's milk, milk and water, moderately, gingerly, piano, under easy sail, at half speed, within bounds, within compass, in reason, est modue in rebus, pour oil on troubled waters.


N  horizontality, flatness, level, plane, stratum, dead level, dead flat, level plane, recumbency, lying down, reclination, decumbence, decumbency, discumbency, proneness, accubation, supination, resupination, prostration, azimuth, plain, floor, platform, bowling green, cricket ground, croquet ground, croquet lawn, billiard table, terrace, estrade, esplanade, parterre, table land, plateau, ledge, butte, mesa (plain), level, spirit level, horizontal, level, even, plane, flat, flat as a billiard table, flat as a bowling green, alluvial, calm, calm as a mill pond, smooth, smooth as glass, recumbent, decumbent, procumbent, accumbent, lying, prone, supine, couchant, jacent, prostrate, recubant, horizontally, on one's back, on all fours, on its beam ends.


N  quiescence, rest, stillness, quiescence, stagnation, stagnancy, fixity, immobility, catalepsy, indisturbance, quietism, quiet, tranquility, calm, repose, peace, dead calm, anticyclone, statue-like repose, silence, not a breath of air, not a mouse stirring, sleep, pause, lull, stand still, standing still, lock, dead lock, dead stop, dead stand, full stop, fix, embargo, resting place, gite, bivouac, home, pillow, haven, goal, quiescent, still, motionless, moveless, fixed, stationary, immotile, at rest at a stand, at a standstill, at anchor, stock, still, standing still, sedentary, untraveled, stay-at-home, becalmed, stagnant, quiet, unmoved, undisturbed, unruffled, calm, restful, cataleptic, immovable, sleeping, silent, still as a statue, still as a post, still as a mouse, still as death, vegetative, vegetating, at a stand, tout court, at the halt, Int, stop!, stay!, avast!, halt!, hold hard!, whoa!, hold!, sabr karo!, requiescat in pace, Deus nobis haec otia fecit, the noonday quiet holds the hill, quiescence, rest, stillness, quiescence, stagnation, stagnancy, fixity, immobility, catalepsy, indisturbance, quietism, quiet, tranquility, calm, repose, peace, dead calm, anticyclone, statue-like repose, silence, not a breath of air, not a mouse stirring, sleep, pause, lull, stand still, standing still, lock, dead lock, dead stop, dead stand, full stop, fix, embargo, resting place, gite, bivouac, home, pillow, haven, goal, quiescent, still, motionless, moveless, fixed, stationary, immotile, at rest at a stand, at a standstill, at anchor, stock, still, standing still, sedentary, untraveled, stay-at-home, becalmed, stagnant, quiet, unmoved, undisturbed, unruffled, calm, restful, cataleptic, immovable, sleeping, silent, still as a statue, still as a post, still as a mouse, still as death, vegetative, vegetating, at a stand, tout court, at the halt, Int, stop!, stay!, avast!, halt!, hold hard!, whoa!, hold!, sabr karo!, requiescat in pace, Deus nobis haec otia fecit, the noonday quiet holds the hill.


calm air, calm down