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Found 1 definition: cascade.

cascade top

Pos: Noun, Verb (intransitive)

Noun cascade has 3 senses

1.  cascade(n = noun.object) - a small waterfall or series of small waterfalls;
is a kind of
falls, waterfall
Derived form verb cascade1

2.  cascade(n = noun.group) - a succession of stages or operations or processes or units; "progressing in severity as though a cascade of genetic damage was occurring"; "separation of isotopes by a cascade of processes"
is a kind of

3.  cascade(n = noun.event) shower - a sudden downpour (as of tears or sparks etc) likened to a rain shower; "a little shower of rose petals"; "a sudden cascade of sparks"
is a kind of descent

Verb cascade has 2 senses

1.  cascade(v = verb.motion) cascade down - rush down in big quantities, like a cascade;
is one way to come down, descend, fall, go down
Derived form noun cascade1
Sample sentences: Something ----s

2.  cascade(v = verb.contact) - arrange (open windows) on a computer desktop so that they overlap each other, with the title bars visible;
is one way to
arrange, set up
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something


cascade, n. [F. cascade, fr. It. cascata, fr. cascare to fall.].

   A fall of water over a precipice, as in a river or brook; a waterfall less than a cataract. [1913 Webster]
"The silver brook . . . pours the white cascade." [1913 Webster]
"Now murm'ring soft, now roaring in cascade." [1913 Webster]

cascade, v. i.

1.  To fall in a cascade. Lowell. [1913 Webster]

2.  To vomit. Smollett. [1913 Webster]


cascade, n. & v.
1 a small waterfall, esp. forming one in a series or part of a large broken waterfall.
2 a succession of electrical devices or stages in a process.
3 a quantity of material etc. draped in descending folds.
4 a process of disseminating information from senior to junior levels in an organization.
--v.intr. fall in or like a cascade.

F f. It. cascata f. cascare to fall ult. f. L casus: see CASE(1)



N  river, running water, jet, spirt, spurt, squirt, spout, spray, splash, rush, gush, jet d'eau, sluice, water spout, water fall, cascade, force, foss, lin, linn, ghyll, Niagara, cataract, rapids, white water, catadupe, cataclysm, debacle, inundation, deluge, chute, washout, rain, rainfall, serein, shower, scud, downpour, driving rain, drenching rain, cloudburst, hyetology, hyetography, predominance of Aquarius, reign of St. Swithin, mizzle, drizzle, stillicidum, plash, dropping, falling weather, northeaster, hurricane, typhoon, stream, course, flux, flow, profluence, effluence, defluxion, flowing, current, tide, race, coulee, spring, artesian well, fount, fountain, rill, rivulet, gill, gullet, rillet, streamlet, brooklet, branch, runnel, sike, burn, beck, creek, brook, bayou, stream, river, reach, tributary, geyser, spout, waterspout, body of water, torrent, rapids, flush, flood, swash, spring tide, high tide, full tide, bore, tidal bore, eagre, hygre, fresh, freshet, indraught, reflux, undercurrent, eddy, vortex, gurge, whirlpool, Maelstrom, regurgitation, overflow, confluence, corrivation, wave, billow, surge, swell, ripple, anerythmon gelasma, beach comber, riffle, rollers, ground swell, surf, breakers, white horses, whitecaps, rough sea, heavy sea, high seas, cross sea, long sea, short sea, chopping sea, hydrodynamics, hydraulics, hydraulicostatics, rain gauge, flowmeter, pegology, irrigation, pump, watering pot, watering cart, hydrant, syringe, garden hose, lawn spray, bhisti, mussuk, fluent, diffluent, profluent, affluent, tidal, flowing, meandering, meandry, meandrous, fluvial, fluviatile, streamy, showery, rainy, pluvial, stillicidous, stillatitious, for men may come and men may go but I go on foreve, that old man river, he just keeps rolling along.


cascade down, cascade everlasting, cascade liquefier, cascade method, cascade mountains, cascade penstemon, cascade range, cascade system, cascade transformer