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Found 1 definition: chatter.

chatter top

Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (intransitive)

Noun chatter has 3 senses

1.  chatter(n = noun.communication) cackle, yack, yak, yakety-yak - noisy talk;
is a kind of talk, talking
has particulars: blether, chin music, idle talk, prate, prattle
Derived forms verb chatter4, verb chatter3

2.  chatter(n = noun.event) chattering - the rapid series of noises made by the parts of a machine;
is a kind of noise

3.  chatter(n = noun.event) chattering - the high-pitched continuing noise made by animals (birds or monkeys);
is a kind of noise
Derived form verb chatter5

Verb chatter has 5 senses

1.  chatter(v = verb.perception) click - click repeatedly or uncontrollably; "Chattering teeth"
is one way to go, sound
Sample sentences: Something ----s

2.  chatter(v = verb.contact) - cut unevenly with a chattering tool;
is one way to
Derived form noun chattering1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something

3.  chatter(v = verb.communication) chaffer, chat, chew the fat, chit-chat, chitchat, claver, confab, confabulate, gossip, jaw, natter, shoot the breeze, visit - talk socially without exchanging too much information; "the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze"
is one way to converse, discourse
Derived forms noun chatter1, noun chatterer1
Sample sentences: Sam and Sue chatter; Sam wants to chatter with Sue

4.  chatter(v = verb.communication) blab, blabber, clack, gabble, gibber, maunder, palaver, piffle, prate, prattle, tattle, tittle-tattle, twaddle - speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly;
is one way to mouth, speak, talk, utter, verbalise, verbalize
Derived forms noun chatter1, noun chatterer1
Sample sentences: Sam and Sue chatter

5.  chatter(v = verb.communication) - make noise as if chattering away; "The magpies were chattering in the trees"
is one way to
mouth, speak, talk, utter, verbalise, verbalize
Derived forms noun chatter3, noun chatterer1, noun chattering2
Sample sentences: The birds chatter in the woods ; The woods chatter with many kinds of birds


chatter, v. i. [Of imitative origin. Cf. Chat, v. i. Chitter.].

1.  To utter sounds which somewhat resemble language, but are inarticulate and indistinct. [1913 Webster]
"The jaw makes answer, as the magpie chatters." [1913 Webster]

2.  To talk idly, carelessly, or with undue rapidity; to jabber; to prate. [1913 Webster]
"To tame a shrew, and charm her chattering tongue." [1913 Webster]

3.  To make a noise by rapid collisions. [1913 Webster]
"With chattering teeth, and bristling hair upright." [1913 Webster]

chatter, v. t.

   To utter rapidly, idly, or indistinctly. [1913 Webster]
"Begin his witless note apace to chatter." [1913 Webster]

chatter, n.

1.  Sounds like those of a magpie or monkey; idle talk; rapid, thoughtless talk; jabber; prattle. [1913 Webster]
"Your words are but idle and empty chatter." [1913 Webster]

2.  Noise made by collision of the teeth, as in shivering. [1913 Webster]


chatter, v. & n.
1 talk quickly, incessantly, trivially, or indiscreetly.
2 (of a bird) emit short quick notes.
3 (of the teeth) click repeatedly together (usu. from cold).
4 (of a tool) clatter from vibration.
1 chattering talk or sounds.
2 the vibration of a tool.

chatterer n. chattery adj.

ME: imit.



N  loquacity, loquaciousness, talkativeness, garrulity, multiloquence, much speaking, jaw, gabble, jabber, chatter, prate, prattle, cackle, clack, twaddle, twattle, rattle, caquet, caquetterie, blabber, bavardage, bibble-babble, gibble-gabble, small talk, fluency, flippancy, volubility, flowing, tongue, flow of words, flux de bouche, flux de mots, copia verborum, cacoethes loquendi, furor loquendi, verbosity, gift of the gab, talker, chatterer, chatterbox, babbler, rattle, ranter, sermonizer, proser, driveler, blatherskite, gossip, magpie, jay, parrot, poll, Babel, moulin a paroles, loquacious, talkative, garrulous, linguacious, multiloquous, largiloquent, chattering, chatty, declamatory, open-mouthed, fluent, voluble, glib, flippant, long tongued, long winded, trippingly on the tongue, glibly, off the reel, the tongue running fast, the tongue running loose, the tongue running on wheels, all talk and no cider, foul whisperings are abroad, what a spendthrift is he of his tongue!.

VB  be loquacious, talk glibly, pour forth, patter, prate, palaver, prose, chatter, prattle, clack, jabber, jaw, blather, blatter, blether, rattle, rattle on, twaddle, twattle, babble, gabble, outtalk, talk oneself out of breath, talk oneself hoarse, expatiate, gossip, din in the ears, talk at random, talk nonsense, be hoarse with talking.


chatter mark