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Found 1 definition: copulative.

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Pos: Adjective

Noun copulative has 1 senses

   copulative(n = noun.communication) copula, linking verb - an equating verb (such as `be' or `become') that links the subject with the complement of a sentence;
is a kind of verb
Derived form adjective copulative1

Adjective copulative has 1 senses

   copulative(s = adj.all) - syntactically connecting sentences or elements of a sentence; "`and' is a copulative conjunction"
Derived form noun copulative1


copulative, a. [L. copulativus: cf. F. copulatif.].

   Serving to couple, unite, or connect; as, a copulative conjunction like “and”. [1913 Webster]

copulative, n.

1.  Connection. Rycaut. [1913 Webster]

2.  A copulative conjunction. [1913 Webster]


copulative, adj.
1 serving to connect.
2 Gram. a (of a word) that connects words or clauses linked in sense (cf. DISJUNCTIVE). b connecting a subject and predicate.
3 relating to sexual union.

copulatively adv.

ME f. OF copulatif -ive or LL copulativus (as COPULATE)


copulative conjunction