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Found 1 definition: deviate.

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Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (intransitive), Adjective

Noun deviate has 1 senses

   deviate(n = noun.person) degenerate, deviant, pervert - a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior;
is a kind of miscreant, reprobate
has particulars: fetishist, masochist, nympho, nymphomaniac, child molester, paederast, pederast, paedophile, pedophile, sadist, sadomasochist, lech, lecher, letch, satyr, bugger, sod, sodomist, sodomite
Derived form verb deviate2

Verb deviate has 3 senses

1.  deviate(v = verb.motion) divert - turn aside; turn away from;
is one way to turn
Derived form noun deviation5
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Somebody ----s

2.  deviate(v = verb.stative) depart, diverge, vary - be at variance with; be out of line with;
is one way to differ
Antonym: conform
Derived forms noun deviant1, adjective deviant1, noun deviate1, adjective deviate1, noun deviation4, noun deviation3, noun deviation2, noun deviation1
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Something is ----ing PP

3.  deviate(v = verb.motion) - cause to turn away from a previous or expected course; "The river was deviated to prevent flooding"
is one way to
Derived form noun deviation5
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something

Adjective deviate has 1 senses

   deviate(s = adj.all) aberrant, deviant - markedly different from an accepted norm; "aberrant behavior"; "deviant ideas"
Derived forms noun deviance2, noun deviance1, verb deviate2


deviate, v. & n.
--v.intr. (often foll. by from) turn aside or diverge (from a course of action, rule, truth, etc.); digress.
--n. a deviant, esp. a sexual pervert.

deviator n. deviatory adj.

LL deviare deviat- (as DE-, via way)



VB  vary, deviate, diverge, alternate, swerve.


VB  change, alter, vary, wax and wane, modulate, diversify, qualify, tamper with, turn, shift, veer, tack, chop, shuffle, swerve, warp, deviate, turn aside, evert, intervert, pass to, take a turn, turn the corner, resume, work a change, modify, vamp, superinduce, transform, transfigure, transmute, transmogrify, transume, metamorphose, ring the changes, innovate, introduce new blood, shuffle the cards, give a turn to, give a color to, influence, turn the scale, shift the scene, turn over a new leaf, recast, reverse, disturb, convert into.


VB  be curved curve, sweep, sway, swag, sag, deviate, curl, turn, reenter, render curved, flex, bend, curve, incurvate, inflect, deflect, scatter, refract (light), crook, turn, round, arch, arcuate, arch over, concamerate, bow, curl, recurve, frizzle, rotundity, convexity.


VB  alter one's course, deviate, depart from, turn, trend, bend, curve, swerve, heel, bear off, gybe, wear, intervert, deflect, divert, divert from its course, put on a new scent, shift, shunt, draw aside, crook, warp, stray, straggle, sidle, diverge, tralineate, digress, wander, wind, twist, meander, veer, tack, divagate, sidetrack, turn aside, turn a corner, turn away from, wheel, steer clear of, ramble, rove, drift, go astray, go adrift, yaw, dodge, step aside, ease off, make way for, shy, fly off at a tangent, glance off, wheel about, face about, turn to the right about, face to the right about, waddle, go out of one's way, lose one's way.


VB  diverge, divaricate, radiate, ramify, branch off, glance off, file off, fly off, fly off at a tangent, spread, scatter, disperse, deviate, part.