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Found 1 definition: ditto.

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Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle), Adverb

Noun ditto has 1 senses

   ditto(n = noun.communication) ditto mark - a mark used to indicate the word above it should be repeated;
is a kind of mark
Derived form verb ditto1

Verb ditto has 1 senses

   ditto(v = verb.communication) - repeat an action or statement; "The next speaker dittoed her argument"
is one way to
ingeminate, iterate, reiterate, repeat, restate, retell
Derived form noun ditto1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something


ditto, n. & v.
--n. (pl. -os)
1 (in accounts, inventories, lists, etc.) the aforesaid, the same.

ditto marks inverted commas etc. representing 'ditto'. say ditto to colloq. agree with; endorse.

Often represented by '' under the word or sum to be repeated.
2 colloq. (replacing a word or phrase to avoid repetition) the same (came in late last night and ditto the night before).
3 a similar thing; a duplicate.
--v.tr. (-oes, -oed) repeat (another's action or words).

It. dial. f. L dictus past part. of dicere say



N  repetition, iteration, reiteration, harping, recurrence, succession, run, battology, tautology, monotony, tautophony, rhythm, diffuseness, pleonasm, redundancy, chimes, repetend, echo, ritornello, burden of a song, refrain, rehearsal, rechauffe, rifacimento, recapitulation, cuckoo, reverberation, drumming, renewal, twice-told tale, old story, old song, second edition, new edition, reappearance, reproduction, recursion, periodicity, repeated, repetitional, repetitionary, recurrent, recurring, ever recurring, thick coming, frequent, incessant, redundant, pleonastic, monotonous, harping, iterative, recursive, unvaried, mocking, chiming, retold, aforesaid, aforenamed, above-mentioned, above-said, habitual, another, repeatedly, often, again, anew, over again, afresh, once more, ding-dong, ditto, encore, de novo, bis, da capo, again and again, over and over, over and over again, recursively, many times over, time and again, time after time, year after year, day by day, many times, several times, a number of times, many a time, full many a time, frequently, ecce iterum Crispinus, toujours perdrix, cut and come again, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow, cantilenam eandem canis, nullum est jam dictum quod non dictum sit prius.


ditto mark