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Found 1 definition: drip.

drip top

Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle)

Noun drip has 3 senses

1.  drip(n = noun.event) dribble, trickle - flowing in drops; the formation and falling of drops of liquid; "there's a drip through the roof"
is a kind of flow, flowing
has particulars: intravenous drip
Derived forms verb drip2, verb drip1, adjective drippy2

2.  drip(n = noun.event) dripping - the sound of a liquid falling drop by drop; "the constant sound of dripping irritated him"
is a kind of sound

3.  drip(n = noun.artifact) drip mold, drip mould - (architecture) a projection from a cornice or sill designed to protect the area below from rainwater (as over a window or doorway);
is a kind of projection
has particulars: dripstone, hoodmold, hoodmould

Verb drip has 2 senses

1.  drip(v = verb.motion) - fall in drops; "Water is dripping from the faucet"
is one way to
come down, descend, fall, go down
Derived forms noun drip1, noun drippings1
Sample sentences: Something ----s; Something is ----ing PP

2.  drip(v = verb.contact) dribble, drop - let or cause to fall in drops; "dribble oil into the mixture"
is one way to pour
Derived form noun drip1
Sample sentences: The women drip water into the bowl


drip, v. & n.
--v. (dripped, dripping)
1 intr. & tr. fall or let fall in drops.
2 intr. (often foll. by with) be so wet as to shed drops (dripped with blood).
1 a the act or an instance of dripping (the steady drip of rain). b a drop of liquid (a drip of paint). c a sound of dripping.
2 colloq. a stupid, dull, or ineffective person.
3 (Med. drip-feed) the drip-by-drip intravenous administration of a solution of salt, sugar, etc.
4 Archit. a projection, esp. from a window-sill, keeping the rain off the walls.

drip-dry v. (-dries, -dried)
1 intr. (of fabric etc.) dry crease-free when hung up to drip.
2 tr. leave (a garment etc.) hanging up to dry.
--adj. able to be drip-dried. drip-mat a small mat under a glass. drip-moulding (or -stone) Archit. a stone etc. projection that deflects rain etc. from walls. dripping wet very wet.

MDa. drippe f. Gmc (cf. DROP)



N  remedy, help, cure, redress, medicine, medicament, diagnosis, medical examination, medical treatment, surgery, preventive medicine, clinical thermometer, stethoscope, X-ray machine, anthelmintic, antidote, antifebrile, antipoison, counterpoison, antitoxin, antispasmodic, bracer, faith cure, placebo, helminthagogue, lithagogue, pick-meup, stimulant, tonic, vermifuge, prophylactic, corrective, restorative, sedative, palliative, febrifuge, alterant, alterative, specific, antiseptic, emetic, analgesic, pain-killer, antitussive, antiinflammatory, antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, carminative, Nepenthe, Mithridate, cure, treatment, regimen, radical cure, perfect cure, certain cure, sovereign remedy, examination, diagnosis, diagnostics, analysis, urinalysis, biopsy, radiology, medicine, physic, Galenicals, simples, drug, pharmaceutical, prescription, potion, draught, dose, pill, bolus, injection, infusion, drip, suppository, electuary, linctus, lincture, medicament, pharmacon, nostrum, receipt, recipe, prescription, catholicon, panacea, elixir, elixir vitae, philosopher's stone, balm, balsam, cordial, theriac, ptisan, agueweed, arnica, benzoin, bitartrate of potash, boneset, calomel, catnip, cinchona, cream of tartar, Epsom salts, feverroot, feverwort, friar's balsam, Indian sage, ipecac, ipecacuanha, jonquil, mercurous chloride, Peruvian bark, quinine, quinquina, sassafras, yarrow, salve, ointment, cerate, oil, lenitive, lotion, cosmetic, plaster, epithem, embrocation, liniment, cataplasm, sinapism, arquebusade, traumatic, vulnerary, pepastic, poultice, collyrium, depilatory, emplastrum, eyewater, vesicant, vesicatory, compress, pledget, bandage, treatment, medical treatment, regimen, dietary, dietetics, vis medicatrix, vis medicatrix naturae, medecine expectante, bloodletting, bleeding, venesection, phlebotomy, cupping, sanguisae, leeches, operation, surgical operation, transfusion, infusion, intravenous infusion, catheter, feeding tube, prevention, preventative medicine, immunization, inoculation, vaccination, vaccine, shot, booster, gamma globulin, pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, pharmacopoeia, formulary, acology, Materia Medica, therapeutics, posology, homeopathy, allopathy, heteropathy, osteopathy, hydropathy, cold water cure, dietetics, surgery, chirurgery, chirurgy, healing art, leechcraft, orthopedics, orthopedy, orthopraxy, pediatrics, dentistry, midwifery, obstetrics, gynecology, tocology, sarcology, hospital, infirmary, pesthouse, lazarhouse, lazaretto, lock hospital, maison de sante, ambulance, dispensary, dispensatory, drug store, pharmacy, apothecary, druggist, chemist, Hotel des Invalides, sanatorium, spa, pump room, well, hospice, Red Cross, doctor, physician, surgeon, medical practitioner, general practitioner, specialist, medical attendant, apothecary, druggist, leech, osteopath, osteopathist, optometrist, ophthalmologist, internist, oncologist, gastroenterologist, epidemiologist, public health specialist, dermatologist, podiatrist, witch doctor, shaman, faith healer, quack, exorcist, Aesculapius, Hippocrates, Galen, accoucheur, accoucheuse, midwife, oculist, aurist, operator, nurse, registered nurse, practical nurse, monthly nurse, sister, nurse's aide, candystriper, dresser, bonesetter, pharmaceutist, pharmacist, druggist, chemist, pharmacopolist, remedial, restorative, corrective, palliative, healing, sanatory, sanative, prophylactic, preventative, immunizing, salutiferous, medical, medicinal, therapeutic, chirurgical, epulotic, paregoric, tonic, corroborant, analeptic, balsamic, anodyne, hypnotic, neurotic, narcotic, sedative, lenitive, demulcent, emollient, depuratory, detersive, detergent, abstersive, disinfectant, febrifugal, alterative, traumatic, vulnerary, allopathic, heteropathic, homeopathic, hydropathic, anthelmintic, antifebrile, antiluetic, aperient, chalybeate, deobstruent, depurative, laxative, roborant, dietetic, alimentary, nutritious, nutritive, peptic, alexipharmic, alexiteric, remediable, curable, aux grands maux les grands remedes, Dios que da la llaga da la medicina, para todo hay remedio sino para la muerte, temporis ars medicina fere est, the remedy is worse than the disease, throw physic to the dogs, I'll none of it.


VB  flow, run, meander, gush, pour, spout, roll, jet, well, issue, drop, drip, dribble, plash, spirtle, trill, trickle, distill, percolate, stream, overflow, inundate, deluge, flow over, splash, swash, guggle, murmur, babble, bubble, purl, gurgle, sputter, spurt, spray, regurgitate, ooze, flow out, rain hard, rain in torrents, rain cats and dogs, rain pitchforks, pour with rain, drizzle, spit, set in, mizzle, flow into, fall into, open into, drain into, discharge itself, disembogue, pour, pour out, shower down, irrigate, drench, spill, splash, stanch, dam, up, obstruct.


drip coffee, drip culture, drip feed, drip loop, drip mat, drip mold, drip mould, drip pan, drip pot, intravenous drip, postnasal drip