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Found 2 definition: dunc, cap.

dunc top

Pos: Noun

cap top

Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive)

Noun cap has 9 senses

1.  cap(n = noun.artifact) - a tight-fitting headdress;
is a kind of
headdress, headgear
has parts: earflap, earlap
has particulars: balaclava, balaclava helmet, balmoral, bluebonnet, baseball cap, golf cap, jockey cap, bathing cap, swimming cap, beret, biggin, berretta, biretta, birretta, calpac, calpack, kalpac, cloth cap, flat cap, cockscomb, coxcomb, coonskin, coonskin cap, fez, tarboosh, garrison cap, overseas cap, glengarry, kalansuwa, kepi, peaked cap, service cap, yachting cap, liberty cap, mobcap, mortarboard, nightcap, pinner, sailor cap, shower cap, ski cap, stocking cap, toboggan cap, skullcap, tam, tam-o'-shanter, tammy, watch cap, wishing cap

2.  cap(n = noun.artifact) - a top (as for a bottle);
is a kind of
cover, top
has particulars: bottlecap, nipple, radiator cap

3.  cap(n = noun.artifact) detonating device, detonator - a mechanical or electrical explosive device or a small amount of explosive; can be used to initiate the reaction of a disrupting explosive;
is a kind of explosive device
has particulars: blasting cap, percussion cap

4.  cap(n = noun.artifact) - something serving as a cover or protection;
is a kind of
protection, protective cover, protective covering
has particulars: distributor cap, collet, ferrule, hubcap, lens cap, lens cover, thimble

5.  cap(n = noun.plant) pileus - a fruiting structure resembling an umbrella or a cone that forms the top of a stalked fleshy fungus such as a mushroom;
is a kind of plant part, plant structure
is a part of fungus

6.  cap(n = noun.object) hood - a protective covering that is part of a plant;
is a kind of cover, covering, natural covering
is a part of flora, plant, plant life

7.  cap(n = noun.communication) ceiling, roof - an upper limit on what is allowed; "he put a ceiling on the number of women who worked for him"; "there was a roof on salaries"; "they established a cap for prices"
is a kind of control
has particulars: glass ceiling
Derived form verb cap2

8.  cap(n = noun.artifact) crown, crownwork, jacket, jacket crown - (dentistry) dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a broken or decayed tooth; "tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown"
is a kind of dental appliance

9.  cap(n = noun.artifact) capital, chapiter - the upper part of a column that supports the entablature;
is a kind of top
is a part of column, pillar

Verb cap has 2 senses

1.  cap(v = verb.stative) crest - lie at the top of; "Snow capped the mountains"
is one way to lie
Sample sentences: Something ----s something

2.  cap(v = verb.change) - restrict the number or amount of; "We had to cap the number of people we can accept into our club"
is one way to
circumscribe, confine, limit
Derived form noun cap7
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something; Something ----s something


cap, n. [OE. cappe, AS. cæppe, cap, cape, hood, fr. LL, cappa, capa; perhaps of Iberian origin, as Isidorus of Seville mentions it first: “Capa, quia quasi totum capiat hominem; it. capitis ornamentum.” See 3d Cape, and cf. 1st Cope.].

1.  A covering for the head [1913 Webster]

2.  The top, or uppermost part; the chief. [1913 Webster]
"Thou art the cap of all the fools alive." [1913 Webster]

3.  A respectful uncovering of the head. [1913 Webster]
"He that will give a cap and make a leg in thanks." [1913 Webster]

4.  The whole top of the head of a bird from the base of the bill to the nape of the neck. [1913 Webster]

5.  Anything resembling a cap in form, position, or use [1913 Webster]

6.  A large size of writing paper; as, flat cap; foolscap; legal cap. [1913 Webster]

Cap of a cannon, a piece of lead laid over the vent to keep the priming dry; -- now called an apron. -- Cap in hand, obsequiously; submissively. -- Cap of liberty. See Liberty cap, under Liberty. -- Cap of maintenance, a cap of state carried before the kings of England at the coronation. It is also carried before the mayors of some cities. -- Cap money, money collected in a cap for the huntsman at the death of the fox. -- Cap paper. (a) A kind of writing paper including flat cap, foolscap, and legal cap. (b) A coarse wrapping paper used for making caps to hold commodities. -- Cap rock (Mining), The layer of rock next overlying ore, generally of barren vein material. -- Flat cap, cap See Foolscap. -- Forage cap, the cloth undress head covering of an officer of soldier. -- Legal cap, a kind of folio writing paper, made for the use of lawyers, in long narrow sheets which have the fold at the top or “narrow edge.” -- To set one's cap, to make a fool of one. (Obs.) Chaucer. -- To set one's cap for, to try to win the favor of a man with a view to marriage. [Colloq.]

cap, v. t.

1.  To cover with a cap, or as with a cap; to provide with a cap or cover; to cover the top or end of; to place a cap upon the proper part of; as, to cap a post; to cap a gun. [1913 Webster]
"The bones next the joint are capped with a smooth cartilaginous substance." [1913 Webster]

2.  To deprive of cap. Spenser. [1913 Webster]

3.  To complete; to crown; to bring to the highest point or consummation; as, to cap the climax of absurdity. [1913 Webster]

4.  To salute by removing the cap. [1913 Webster]
"Tom . . . capped the proctor with the profoundest of bows." [1913 Webster]

5.  To match; to mate in contest; to furnish a complement to; as, to cap text; to cap proverbs. Shak. [1913 Webster]
" In capping verses, when one quotes a verse another must cap it by quoting one beginning with the last letter of the first letter, or with the first letter of the last word, or ending with a rhyming word, or by applying any other arbitrary rule may be agreed upon." [1913 Webster]
"Now I have him under girdle I'll cap verses with him to the end of the chapter." [1913 Webster]

cap, v. i.

   To uncover the head respectfully. Shak. [1913 Webster]


cap, abbr. Common Agricultural Policy (of the EEC).

cap, n. & v.
1 a a soft brimless head-covering, usu. with a peak. b a head-covering worn in a particular profession (nurse's cap). c esp. Brit. a cap awarded as a sign of membership of a sports team. d an academic mortarboard or soft hat. e a special hat as part of Highland costume.
2 a a cover like a cap in shape or position (knee cap; toecap). b a device to seal a bottle or protect the point of a pen, lens of a camera, etc.
3 a = Dutch cap. b = percussion cap.
4 = CROWN n. 9b.
--v.tr. (capped, capping)
1 a put a cap on. b cover the top or end of. c set a limit to (rate-capping).
2 a esp. Brit. award a sports cap to. b Sc. & NZ confer a university degree on.
3 a lie on top of; form the cap of. b surpass, excel. c improve on (a story, quotation, etc.) esp. by producing a better or more apposite one.

cap in hand humbly. cap of maintenance a cap or hat worn as a symbol of official dignity or carried before the sovereign etc. cap rock a hard rock or stratum overlying a deposit of oil, gas, coal, etc. cap sleeve a sleeve extending only a short distance from the shoulder. if the cap fits (said of a generalized comment) it seems to be true (of a particular person). set one's cap at try to attract as a suitor.

capful n. (pl. -fuls). capping n.

OE c{aelig}ppe f. LL cappa, perh. f. L caput head



VB  be superior, exceed, excel, transcend, outdo, outbalance, outweigh, outrank, outrival, out-Herod, pass, surpass, get ahead of, over-top, override, overpass, overbalance, overweigh, overmatch, top, o'ertop, cap, beat, cut out, beat hollow, outstrip, eclipse, throw into the shade, take the shine out of, outshine, put one's nose out of joint, have the upper hand, have the whip hand of, have the advantage, turn the scale, kick the beam, play first fiddle, preponderate, predominate, prevail, precede, take precedence, come first, come to a head, culminate, beat all others, bear the palm, break the record, take the cake, become larger, render larger.


VB  retaliate, retort, turn upon, pay, pay off, pay back, pay in one's own coin, pay in the same coin, cap, reciprocate, turn the tables upon, return the compliment, give a quid pro quo, give as much as one takes, give as good as one gets, give and take, exchange fisticuffs, be quits, be even with, pay off old scores, serve one right, be hoist on one's own petard, throw a stone in one's own garden, catch a Tartar.


VB  effect, effectuate, accomplish, achieve, compass, consummate, hammer out, bring to maturity, bring to perfection, perfect, complete, elaborate, do, execute, make, go through, get through, work out, enact, bring about, bring to bear, bring to pass, bring through, bring to a head, despatch, dispatch, knock off, finish off, polish off, make short work of, dispose of, set at rest, perform, discharge, fulfill, realize, put in practice, put in force, carry out, carry into effect, carry into execution, make good, be as good as one's word, do thoroughly, not do by halves, go the whole hog, drive home, be in at the death, carry through, play out, exhaust, fill the bill, finish, bring to a close, wind up, stamp, clinch, seal, set the seal on, put the seal, give the final touch, to, put the last, put the finishing hand to, put the finishing touches on, crown, crown all, cap, ripen, culminate, come to a head, come to a crisis, come to its end, die a natural death, die of old age, run its course, run one's race, touch the goal, reach the goal, attain the goal, reach, get in the harvest.


VB  be high, tower, soar, command, hover, hover over, fly over, orbit, be in orbit, cap, culminate, overhang, hang over, impend, beetle, bestride, ride, mount, perch, surmount, cover, overtop, stand on tiptoe, become high, grow higher, grow taller, upgrow, rise, send into orbit, render high, heighten.


N  summit, summity, top, peak, vertex, apex, zenith, pinnacle, acme, culmination, meridian, utmost height, ne plus utra, height, pitch, maximum, climax, culminating point, crowning point, turning point, turn of the tide, fountain head, water shed, water parting, sky, pole, tip, tip top, crest, crow's nest, cap, truck, nib, end, crown, brow, head, nob, noddle, pate, capsheaf, high places, heights, topgallant mast, sky scraper, quarter deck, hurricane deck, architrave, frieze, cornice, coping stone, zoophorus, capital, epistyle, sconce, pediment, entablature, tympanum, ceiling, attic, loft, garret, house top, upper story, summit conference, summit, peak of achievement, peak of performance, peaks and troughs, peaks and valleys (in graphs), highest &c (high), top, top most, upper most, tiptop, culminating, meridian, meridional, capital, head, polar, supreme, supernal, topgallant, atop, at the top of the tree, en flute, fleur deau.


VB  cover, superpose, superimpose, overlay, overspread, wrap, encase, incase, face, case, veneer, pave, paper, tip, cap, bind, bulkhead, bulkhead in, clapboard, coat, paint, varnish, pay, incrust, stucco, dab, plaster, tar, wash, besmear, bedaub, anoint, do over, gild, plate, japan, lacquer, lacker, enamel, whitewash, parget, lay it on thick, overlie, overarch, endome, conceal, anodize, galvanize.


N  clothing, investment, covering, dress, raiment, drapery, costume, attire, guise, toilet, toilette, trim, habiliment, vesture, vestment, garment, garb, palliament, apparel, wardrobe, wearing apparel, clothes, things, underclothes, array, tailoring, millinery, finery, full dress, garniture, theatrical properties, outfit, equipment, trousseau, uniform, regimentals, continentals, canonicals, livery, gear, harness, turn-out, accouterment, caparison, suit, rigging, trappings, traps, slops, togs, toggery, day wear, night wear, zoot suit, designer clothes, masquerade, dishabille, morning dress, undress, kimono, lungi, shooting-coat, mufti, rags, tatters, old clothes, mourning, weeds, duds, slippers, robe, tunic, paletot, habit, gown, coat, frock, blouse, toga, smock frock, claw coat, hammer coat, Prince Albert coat, sack coat, tuxedo coat, frock coat, dress coat, tail coat, cloak, pall, mantle, mantlet mantua, shawl, pelisse, wrapper, veil, cape, tippet, kirtle, plaid, muffler, comforter, haik, huke, chlamys, mantilla, tabard, housing, horse cloth, burnoose, burnous, roquelaure, houppelande, surcoat, overcoat, great coat, surtout, spencer, mackintosh, waterproof, raincoat, ulster, P-coat, dreadnought, wraprascal, poncho, cardinal, pelerine, barbe, chudder, jubbah, oilskins, pajamas, pilot jacket, talma jacket, vest, jerkin, waistcoat, doublet, camisole, gabardine, farthingale, kilt, jupe, crinoline, bustle, panier, skirt, apron, pinafore, bloomer, bloomers, chaqueta, songtag, tablier, pants, trousers, trowsers, breeches, pantaloons, inexpressibles, overalls, smalls, small clothes, shintiyan, shorts, jockey shorts, boxer shorts, tights, drawers, panties, unmentionables, knickers, knickerbockers, philibeg, fillibeg, pants suit, culottes, jeans, blue jeans, dungarees, denims, Levis, Calvin Klein, Calvins, Bonjour, Gloria Vanderbilt, headdress, headgear, chapeau, crush hat, opera hat, kaffiyeh, sombrero, jam, tam-o-shanter, tarboosh, topi, sola topi, pagri, puggaree, cap, hat, beaver hat, coonskin cap, castor, bonnet, tile, wideawake, billycock, wimple, nightcap, mobcap, skullcap, hood, coif, capote, calash, kerchief, snood, babushka, head, coiffure, crown, chignon, pelt, wig, front, peruke, periwig, caftan, turban, fez, shako, csako, busby, kepi, forage cap, bearskin, baseball cap, fishing hat, helmet, mask, domino, body clothes, linen, hickory shirt, shirt, sark, smock, shift, chemise, night gown, negligee, dressing gown, night shirt, bedgown, sac de nuit, underclothes, underpants, undershirt, slip, brassiere, corset, stays, corsage, corset, corselet, bodice, girdle, stomacher, petticoat, panties, under waistcoat, jock, athletic supporter, jockstrap, sweater, jersey, cardigan, turtleneck, pullover, sweater vest, neckerchief, neckcloth, tie, ruff, collar, cravat, stock, handkerchief, scarf, bib, tucker, boa, cummerbund, rumal, rabat, shoe, pump, boot, slipper, sandal, galoche, galoshes, patten, clog, sneakers, running shoes, hiking boots, high-low, Blucher boot, wellington boot, Hessian boot, jack boot, top boot, Balmoral, arctics, bootee, bootikin, brogan, chaparajos, chavar, chivarras, chivarros, gums, larrigan, rubbers, showshoe, stogy, veldtschoen, legging, buskin, greave, galligaskin, gamache, gamashes, moccasin, gambado, gaiter, spatterdash, brogue, antigropelos, stocking, hose, gaskins, trunk hose, sock, hosiery, glove, gauntlet, mitten, cuff, wristband, sleeve, swaddling cloth, baby linen, layette, ice wool, taffeta, pocket handkerchief, hanky, hankie, clothier, tailor, milliner, costumier, sempstress, snip, dressmaker, habitmaker, breechesmaker, shoemaker, Crispin, friseur, cordwainer, cobbler, hosier, hatter, draper, linen draper, haberdasher, mercer, diaper, nappy, disposable diaper, cloth diaper, Luvs Huggies, invested, habited, dighted, barbed, barded, clad, costume, shod, chausse, en grande tenue, sartorial, the soul of this man is his clothes.


VB  be courteous, show courtesy, mind one's P's and Q's, behave oneself, be all things to all men, conciliate, speak one fair, take in good part, make the amiable, do the amiable, look as if butter would not melt in one's mouth, mend one's manners, receive, do the honors, usher, greet, hail, bid welcome, welcome, welcome with open arms, shake hands, hold out the hand, press the hand, squeeze the hand, press the flesh, bid Godspeed, speed the parting guest, cheer, serenade, salute, embrace, kiss, kiss hands, drink to, pledge, hob and nob, move to, nod to, smile upon, uncover, cap, touch the hat, take off the hat, doff the cap, present arms, make way for, bow, make one's bow, make a leg, scrape, curtsy, courtesy, bob a curtsy, bob a courtesy, kneel, bow the knee, bend the knee, visit, wait upon, present oneself, pay one's respects, pay a visit, dance attendance on, pay attentions to, do homage to, prostrate oneself, give one's duty to, send one's duty to render polite, polish, civilize, humanize.


N  snap, rapping, decrepitation, crepitation, report, thud, burst, explosion, blast, boom, discharge, detonation, firing, salvo, volley, squib, cracker, firecracker, cherry bomb, M, gun, cap, cap gun, popgun, implosion, bomb burst, atomic explosion, nuclear explosion (arms), gunpowder, dynamite, gun cotton, nitroglycerine, nitrocellulose, plastic explosive, plastique, TNT, cordite, trinitrotoluene, picric acid, picrates, mercury fulminate (arms), whack, wham, pow, rapping, Int, kaboom!, whamo!, Heewhack!, pow!.


baseball cap, bathing cap, bishop's cap, blasting cap, cap off, cap opener, cap screw, cervical cap, cloth cap, coonskin cap, cradle cap, death cap, distributor cap, dunce cap, dunce's cap, five-point bishop's cap, flat cap, fool's cap, garrison cap, golf cap, ice cap, inky cap, jockey cap, large cap, lens cap, liberty cap, overseas cap, peaked cap, percussion cap, phrygian cap, radiator cap, root cap, sailor cap, service cap, shaggy cap, shower cap, ski cap, small cap, stocking cap, swimming cap, thinking cap, toboggan cap, watch cap, wishing cap, yachting cap