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Found 1 definition: gray fox.

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Noun gray fox has 1 senses

   gray fox(n = noun.animal) grey fox, urocyon cinereoargenteus - dark grey American fox; from Central America through southern United States;
is a kind of fox
is a member of genus urocyon, urocyon


african gray, american gray birch, arctic fox, asa gray, ash gray, black fox, blue fox, charcoal gray, charles james fox, crab-eating fox, dapple gray, davy's gray, desert fox, dwarf gray willow, eastern fox squirrel, eastern gray squirrel, flying fox, fox, fox fire, fox grape, fox hole, fox hunter, fox hunting, fox river, fox shark, fox squirrel, fox talbot, fox terrier, fox trot, gallant fox, george fox, gray, gray alder, gray area, gray birch, gray catbird, gray eminence, gray flounder, gray goldenrod, gray hen, gray jay, gray kingbird, gray lemming, gray market, gray matter, gray mullet, gray partridge, gray polypody, gray poplar, gray sage, gray sea eagle, gray skate, gray snapper, gray sole, gray substance, gray whale, gray willow, gray wolf, great gray owl, grey fox, kid fox, kit fox, oxford gray, payne's gray, pearl gray, prairie fox, raccoon fox, red fox, robert gray, sea fox, silver fox, silver gray, smooth-haired fox terrier, steel gray, tattletale gray, thomas gray, water fox, western gray squirrel, white fox, william henry fox talbot, wire-haired fox terrier