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Found 1 definition: fox shark.

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Noun fox shark has 1 senses

   fox shark(n = noun.animal) alopius vulpinus, thrasher, thresher, thresher shark - large pelagic shark of warm seas with a whiplike tail used to round up small fish on which to feed;
is a kind of shark
is a member of alopius, genus alopius


angel shark, arctic fox, basking shark, black fox, blacktip shark, blue fox, blue shark, bonito shark, bonnet shark, bull shark, card shark, carpet shark, cat shark, charles james fox, cow shark, crab-eating fox, cub shark, desert fox, dusky shark, eastern fox squirrel, flying fox, fox, fox fire, fox grape, fox hole, fox hunter, fox hunting, fox river, fox squirrel, fox talbot, fox terrier, fox trot, gallant fox, george fox, gray fox, great blue shark, great white shark, grey fox, hammerhead shark, kid fox, kit fox, lemon shark, loan shark, mackerel shark, mako shark, man-eating shark, nurse shark, oceanic whitetip shark, prairie fox, raccoon fox, red fox, reef whitetip shark, requiem shark, sand shark, sandbar shark, sea fox, shark, shark oil, shark repellent, silver fox, six-gilled shark, smooth-haired fox terrier, smoothhound shark, soupfin shark, thresher shark, tiger shark, water fox, whale shark, white fox, white shark, white-tipped shark, whitetip shark, william henry fox talbot, wire-haired fox terrier