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Found 1 definition: requiem shark.

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Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun requiem shark has 1 senses

   requiem shark(n = noun.animal) - any of numerous sharks from small relatively harmless bottom-dwellers to large dangerous oceanic and coastal species;
is a kind of
is a member of carcharhinidae, family carcharhinidae
has particulars: bull shark, carcharhinus leucas, cub shark, carcharhinus plumbeus, sandbar shark, blacktip shark, carcharhinus limbatus, sandbar shark, carcharinus longimanus, oceanic whitetip shark, white-tipped shark, whitetip shark, carcharhinus obscurus, dusky shark, lemon shark, negaprion brevirostris, blue shark, great blue shark, prionace glauca, galeocerdo cuvieri, tiger shark, galeorhinus zyopterus, soup-fin, soupfin, soupfin shark


angel shark, basking shark, blacktip shark, blue shark, bonito shark, bonnet shark, bull shark, card shark, carpet shark, cat shark, cow shark, cub shark, dusky shark, fox shark, great blue shark, great white shark, hammerhead shark, lemon shark, loan shark, mackerel shark, mako shark, man-eating shark, nurse shark, oceanic whitetip shark, reef whitetip shark, requiem, sand shark, sandbar shark, shark, shark oil, shark repellent, six-gilled shark, smoothhound shark, soupfin shark, thresher shark, tiger shark, whale shark, white shark, white-tipped shark, whitetip shark