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Found 1 definition: griffon.

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Pos: Noun

Noun griffon has 4 senses

1.  griffon(n = noun.person) griffin, gryphon - winged monster with the head of an eagle and the body of a lion;
is a kind of mythical creature, mythical monster

2.  griffon(n = noun.animal) belgian griffon, brussels griffon - breed of various very small compact wiry-coated dogs of Belgian origin having a short bearded muzzle;
is a kind of canis familiaris, dog, domestic dog
has particulars: brabancon griffon

3.  griffon(n = noun.animal) wire-haired pointing griffon - breed of medium-sized long-headed dogs with downy undercoat and harsh wiry outer coat; originated in Holland but largely developed in France;
is a kind of gun dog, sporting dog

4.  griffon(n = noun.animal) griffon vulture, gyps fulvus - large vulture of southern Europe and northern Africa having pale plumage with black wings;
is a kind of old world vulture
is a member of genus gyps, gyps


griffon, n. [OE. griffin, griffon, griffoun, F. griffon, fr. L. gryphus, equiv to gryps, Gr. ; -- so called because of the hooked beak, and akin to grypo`s curved, hook-nosed.].

1.  A fabulous monster, half lion and half eagle. It is often represented in Grecian and Roman works of art. [1913 Webster]

2.  A representation of this creature as an heraldic charge. [1913 Webster]

3.  A species of large vulture (Gyps fulvus) found in the mountainous parts of Southern Europe, North Africa, and Asia Minor; -- called also gripe, and grype. It is supposed to be the “eagle” of the Bible. The bearded griffin is the lammergeir. [1913 Webster]

4.  An English early apple. [1913 Webster]

griffon, n. [F.].

   One of a European breed of rough-coated dogs, somewhat taller than the setter and of a grizzly liver color. They are used in hunting game birds. The Brussels griffon is a very small, wiry-coated, short-nosed pet dog of Belgian origin. [Webster 1913 Suppl.]


griffon, n.
1 a a dog of a small terrier-like breed with coarse or smooth hair. b this breed.
2 (in full griffon vulture) a large vulture, Gyps fulvus.

F (in sense 1) or var. of GRIFFIN



N  unconformity, nonconformity, unconformity, disconformity, unconventionality, informality, abnormity, abnormality, anomaly, anomalousness, exception, peculiarity, infraction of law, breach, of law, violation of law, violation of custom, violation of usage, infringement of law, infringement of custom, infringement of usage, teratism, eccentricity, bizarrerie, oddity, je ne sais quoi, monster, monstrosity, rarity, freak, freak of Nature, weirdo, mutant, rouser, snorter, individuality, idiosyncrasy, originality, mannerism, aberration, irregularity, variety, singularity, exemption, salvo, nonconformist, nondescript, character, original, nonesuch, nonsuch, monster, prodigy, wonder, miracle, curiosity, flying fish, black sheep, black swan, lusus naturae, rara avis, queer fish, mongrel, random breed, half-caste, half-blood, half-breed, metis, crossbreed, hybrid, mule, hinny, mulatto, tertium quid, hermaphrodite, phoenix, chimera, hydra, sphinx, minotaur, griffin, griffon, centaur, saggittary, kraken, cockatrice, wyvern, roc, dragon, sea serpent, mermaid, merman, merfolk, unicorn, Cyclops, men whose heads do grow beneath their shoulders, teratology, fish out of water, neither one thing nor another, neither fish nor fowl, neither fish flesh nor fowl nor good red herring, one in a million, one in a way, one in a thousand, outcast, outlaw, off the beaten track, oasis, uncomformable, exceptional, abnormal, abnormous, anomalous, anomalistic, out of order, out of place, out of keeping, out of tune, out of one's element, irregular, arbitrary, teratogenic, lawless, informal, aberrant, stray, wandering, wanton, peculiar, exclusive, unnatural, eccentric, egregious, out of the beaten track, off the beaten track, out of the common, out of the common run, beyond the pale of, out of the pale of, misplaced, funny, unusual, unaccustomed, uncustomary, unwonted, uncommon, rare, curious, odd, extraordinary, out of the ordinary, strange, monstrous, wonderful, unexpected, unaccountable, outre, out of the way, remarkable, noteworthy, queer, quaint, nondescript, none such, sui generis, unfashionable, fantastic, grotesque, bizarre, outlandish, exotic, tombe des nues, preternatural, denaturalized, heterogeneous, heteroclite, amorphous, mongrel, amphibious, epicene, half blood, hybrid, androgynous, androgynal, asymmetric, adelomorphous, bisexual, hermaphrodite, monoclinous, qualified, singular, unique, one-of-a-kind, newfangled, novel, non-classical, original, unconventional, unheard of, unfamiliar, undescribed, unprecedented, unparalleled, unexampled, unconformably, except, unless, save barring, beside, without, save and except, let alone, however, yet, but, once in a blue moon, once in a million years, Int, what on earth!, what in the world!, What the devil!, Holy cow!, Can you top that?, Sacre bleu, never was seen the like, never was heard the like, never was known the like, I could hardly believe it, I saw it, but I didn't believe it.


belgian griffon, brabancon griffon, brussels griffon, griffon vulture, wire-haired pointing griffon