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Found 1 definition: mythical monster.

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Noun mythical monster has 1 senses

   mythical monster(n = noun.person) mythical creature - a monster renowned in folklore and myth;
is a kind of mythical being, monster
has particulars: legendary creature, amphisbaena, basilisk, centaur, cerberus, hellhound, chimaera, chimera, cockatrice, dragon, firedrake, geryon, gorgon, griffin, griffon, gryphon, harpy, hydra, leviathan, mantichora, manticora, manticore, mantiger, minotaur, nemean lion, roc, salamander, sphinx, troll, typhoeus, typhon, loup-garou, lycanthrope, werewolf, wolfman, python, erinyes, eumenides, fury


frankenstein's monster, gila monster, green-eyed monster, loch ness monster, monster, mythical, mythical being, mythical creature, mythical monsters, mythical place, sea monster