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Found 4 definition: hans, c, j, gram.

hans top

Pos: Noun

hans adolf krebs, hans albrecht bethe, hans arp, hans bethe, hans c. j. gram, hans christian andersen, hans christian oersted, hans conrad julius reiter, hans eysenck, hans fischer, hans geiger, hans holbein, hans jurgen eysenck, hans zinsser, sir hans adolf krebs

c top

Pos: Noun

Noun c has 12 senses

1.  c(n = noun.quantity) degree celsius, degree centigrade - a degree on the centigrade scale of temperature;
is a kind of degree
has particulars: standard temperature

2.  c(n = noun.time) light speed, speed of light - the speed at which light travels in a vacuum; the constancy and universality of the speed of light is recognized by defining it to be exactly 299,792,458 meters per second;
is a kind of constant, speed, velocity

3.  c(n = noun.substance) ascorbic acid, vitamin c - a vitamin found in fresh fruits (especially citrus fruits) and vegetables; prevents scurvy;
is a kind of antioxidant, water-soluble vitamin

4.  c(n = noun.substance) deoxycytidine monophosphate - one of the four nucleotides used in building DNA; all four nucleotides have a common phosphate group and a sugar (ribose);
is a kind of base, nucleotide

5.  c(n = noun.substance) cytosine - a base found in DNA and RNA and derived from pyrimidine; pairs with guanine;
is a kind of pyrimidine

6.  c(n = noun.substance) atomic number 6, carbon - an abundant nonmetallic tetravalent element occurring in three allotropic forms: amorphous carbon and graphite and diamond; occurs in all organic compounds;
is a kind of chemical element, element
has particulars: fullerene, carbon 14, radiocarbon, char, charcoal, wood coal, carbon black, crock, lampblack, smut, soot, activated carbon, activated charcoal, black lead, graphite, plumbago, adamant, diamond

7.  c(n = noun.quantity) 100, century, hundred, one c - ten 10s;
is a kind of large integer

8.  c(n = noun.quantity) ampere-second, coulomb - a unit of electrical charge equal to the amount of charge transferred by a current of 1 ampere in 1 second;
is a kind of charge unit, quantity unit
is a part of abcoulomb, ampere-minute

9.  c(n = noun.communication) - a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system;
is a kind of
programing language, programming language

10.  c(n = noun.communication) - (music) the keynote of the scale of C major;
is a kind of
keynote, tonic

11.  c(n = noun.communication) - the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet;
is a kind of
alphabetic character, letter, letter of the alphabet
is a member of latin alphabet, roman alphabet

12.  c(n = noun.artifact) blow, coke, nose candy, snow - street names for cocaine;
is a kind of cocain, cocaine

Adjective c has 1 senses

   c(s = adj.all) 100, hundred, one hundred - being ten more than ninety;



1.  C is the third letter of the English alphabet. It is from the Latin letter C, which in old Latin represented the sounds of k, and g (in go); its original value being the latter. In Anglo-Saxon words, or Old English before the Norman Conquest, it always has the sound of k. The Latin C was the same letter as the Greek ce, and was derived, probably, through the French. Etymologically C is related to g, h, k, q, s (and other sibilant sounds). Examples of these relations are in L. acutus, E. acute, ague; E. acrid, eager, vinegar; L. cornu, E. horn; E. cat, kitten; E. coy, quiet; L. circare, OF. cerchier, E. search. [1913 Webster]
"See Guide to Pronunciation, " [1913 Webster]

2.  The keynote of the normal or “natural” scale, which has neither flats nor sharps in its signature; also, the third note of the relative minor scale of the same. [1913 Webster]

3.  As a numeral, C stands for Latin centum or 100, CC for 200, etc. [1913 Webster]

C spring, a spring in the form of the letter C.


c, n. (also c) (pl. Cs or C's)
1 the third letter of the alphabet.
2 Mus. the first note of the diatonic scale of C major (the major scale having no sharps or flats).
3 the third hypothetical person or example.
4 the third highest class or category (of academic marks etc.).
5 Algebra (usu. c) the third known quantity.
6 (as a Roman numeral) 100.
7 (c) the speed of light in a vacuum.
8 (also ©) copyright.

c, symb. Chem. the element carbon.

c, abbr. (also C.)
1 Cape.
2 Conservative.
3 Command Paper (second series, 1870-99).
4 Celsius, Centigrade.
5 coulomb(s), capacitance.



N  time, duration, period, term, stage, space, span, spell, season, the whole time, the whole period, space-time, course, snap, intermediate time, while, interim, interval, pendency, intervention, intermission, intermittence, interregnum, interlude, respite, era, epoch, time of life, age, year, date, decade, moment, glass of time, sands of time, march of time, Father Time, ravages of time, arrow of time, river of time, whirligig of time, noiseless foot of time, scythe, continuing, on foot, permanent, while, whilst, during, pending, during the time, during the interval, in the course of, at that point, at that point in time, for the time being, day by day, in the time of, when, meantime, meanwhile, in the meantime, in the interim, ad interim, pendente lite, de die in diem, from day to day, from hour to hour, hourly, always, for a time, for a season, till, until, up to, yet, as far as, by that time, so far, hereunto, heretofore, prior to this, up to this point, the whole time, all the time, all along, throughout, for good, hereupon, thereupon, whereupon, then, anno Domini, A, D, ante Christum, A, C, before Christ, B, C, anno urbis conditae, A, U, C, anno regni, A, R, once upon a time, one fine morning, one fine day, one day, once, time flies, tempus fugit, time runs out, time runs against, race against time, racing the clock, time marches on, time is of the essence, time and tide wait for no man, ad calendas Groecas, panting Time toileth after him in vain, 'gainst the tooth of time and razure of oblivion, rich with the spoils of time, tempus edax rerum, the long hours come and go, the time is out of joint, Time rolls his ceaseless course, Time the foe of man's dominion, time wasted is existence, used is life, truditur dies die, volat hora per orbem, carpe diem, time, duration, period, term, stage, space, span, spell, season, the whole time, the whole period, space-time, course, snap, intermediate time, while, interim, interval, pendency, intervention, intermission, intermittence, interregnum, interlude, respite, era, epoch, time of life, age, year, date, decade, moment, glass of time, sands of time, march of time, Father Time, ravages of time, arrow of time, river of time, whirligig of time, noiseless foot of time, scythe, continuing, on foot, permanent, while, whilst, during, pending, during the time, during the interval, in the course of, at that point, at that point in time, for the time being, day by day, in the time of, when, meantime, meanwhile, in the meantime, in the interim, ad interim, pendente lite, de die in diem, from day to day, from hour to hour, hourly, always, for a time, for a season, till, until, up to, yet, as far as, by that time, so far, hereunto, heretofore, prior to this, up to this point, the whole time, all the time, all along, throughout, for good, hereupon, thereupon, whereupon, then, anno Domini, A, D, ante Christum, A, C, before Christ, B, C, anno urbis conditae, A, U, C, anno regni, A, R, once upon a time, one fine morning, one fine day, one day, once, time flies, tempus fugit, time runs out, time runs against, race against time, racing the clock, time marches on, time is of the essence, time and tide wait for no man, ad calendas Groecas, panting Time toileth after him in vain, 'gainst the tooth of time and razure of oblivion, rich with the spoils of time, tempus edax rerum, the long hours come and go, the time is out of joint, Time rolls his ceaseless course, Time the foe of man's dominion, time wasted is existence, used is life, truditur dies die, volat hora per orbem, carpe diem, time, duration, period, term, stage, space, span, spell, season, the whole time, the whole period, space-time, course, snap, intermediate time, while, interim, interval, pendency, intervention, intermission, intermittence, interregnum, interlude, respite, era, epoch, time of life, age, year, date, decade, moment, glass of time, sands of time, march of time, Father Time, ravages of time, arrow of time, river of time, whirligig of time, noiseless foot of time, scythe, continuing, on foot, permanent, while, whilst, during, pending, during the time, during the interval, in the course of, at that point, at that point in time, for the time being, day by day, in the time of, when, meantime, meanwhile, in the meantime, in the interim, ad interim, pendente lite, de die in diem, from day to day, from hour to hour, hourly, always, for a time, for a season, till, until, up to, yet, as far as, by that time, so far, hereunto, heretofore, prior to this, up to this point, the whole time, all the time, all along, throughout, for good, hereupon, thereupon, whereupon, then, anno Domini, A, D, ante Christum, A, C, before Christ, B, C, anno urbis conditae, A, U, C, anno regni, A, R, once upon a time, one fine morning, one fine day, one day, once, time flies, tempus fugit, time runs out, time runs against, race against time, racing the clock, time marches on, time is of the essence, time and tide wait for no man, ad calendas Groecas, panting Time toileth after him in vain, 'gainst the tooth of time and razure of oblivion, rich with the spoils of time, tempus edax rerum, the long hours come and go, the time is out of joint, Time rolls his ceaseless course, Time the foe of man's dominion, time wasted is existence, used is life, truditur dies die, volat hora per orbem, carpe diem.


N  lawyer, attorney, legal counsel, counsel, counsellor, counsellor at law, attorney at law, jurist, legist, civilian, pundit, publicist, juris consult, legal adviser, advocate, barrister, barrister at law, King's or Queen's counsel, K, C, Q, C, silk gown, leader, sergeant-at-law, bencher, tubman, judge, bar, legal profession, bar association, association of trial lawyers, officer of the court, gentleman of the long robe, junior bar, outer bar, inner bar, equity draftsman, conveyancer, pleader, special pleader, solicitor, proctor, notary, notary public, scrivener, cursitor, writer, writer to the signet, S, S, C, limb of the law, pettifogger, vakil, legal beagle, legal secretary, legal assistant, law student, learned in the law, at the bar, forensic, esquire, esquired, banco regis, lawyer, attorney, legal counsel, counsel, counsellor, counsellor at law, attorney at law, jurist, legist, civilian, pundit, publicist, juris consult, legal adviser, advocate, barrister, barrister at law, King's or Queen's counsel, K, C, Q, C, silk gown, leader, sergeant-at-law, bencher, tubman, judge, bar, legal profession, bar association, association of trial lawyers, officer of the court, gentleman of the long robe, junior bar, outer bar, inner bar, equity draftsman, conveyancer, pleader, special pleader, solicitor, proctor, notary, notary public, scrivener, cursitor, writer, writer to the signet, S, S, C, limb of the law, pettifogger, vakil, legal beagle, legal secretary, legal assistant, law student, learned in the law, at the bar, forensic, esquire, esquired, banco regis, lawyer, attorney, legal counsel, counsel, counsellor, counsellor at law, attorney at law, jurist, legist, civilian, pundit, publicist, juris consult, legal adviser, advocate, barrister, barrister at law, King's or Queen's counsel, K, C, Q, C, silk gown, leader, sergeant-at-law, bencher, tubman, judge, bar, legal profession, bar association, association of trial lawyers, officer of the court, gentleman of the long robe, junior bar, outer bar, inner bar, equity draftsman, conveyancer, pleader, special pleader, solicitor, proctor, notary, notary public, scrivener, cursitor, writer, writer to the signet, S, S, C, limb of the law, pettifogger, vakil, legal beagle, legal secretary, legal assistant, law student, learned in the law, at the bar, forensic, esquire, esquired, banco regis.


N  teaching, instruction, edification, education, tuition, tutorage, tutelage, direction, guidance, opsimathy, qualification, preparation, training, schooling, discipline, excitation, drill, practice, book exercise, persuasion, proselytism, propagandism, propaganda, indoctrination, inculcation, inoculation, advise, explanation, lesson, lecture, sermon, apologue, parable, discourse, prolection, preachment, chalk talk, Chautauqua, exercise, task, curriculum, course, course of study, grammar, three R's, initiation, A, B, C, elementary education, primary education, secondary education, technical education, college education, collegiate education, military education, university education, liberal education, classical education, religious education, denominational education, moral education, secular education, propaedeutics, moral tuition, gymnastics, calisthenics, physical drill, physical education, sloyd, phonics, rote, rote memorization, brute memory, cooperative learning, Montessori method, ungraded classes, test, examination, exam, final exam, mid-term exam grade, score, marks, A, B, C, D, E, F, gentleman's C, pass, fail, incomplete, homework, take-home lesson, exercise for the student, theme, project, teaching, taught, educational, scholastic, academic, doctrinal, disciplinal, instructive, instructional, didactic, propaedeutic, propaedeutical, the schoolmaster abroad, a bovi majori disscit arare minor, adeo in teneris consuecere multum est, docendo discimus, quaenocent docent, qui docet discit, sermons in stones and good in everything, teaching, instruction, edification, education, tuition, tutorage, tutelage, direction, guidance, opsimathy, qualification, preparation, training, schooling, discipline, excitation, drill, practice, book exercise, persuasion, proselytism, propagandism, propaganda, indoctrination, inculcation, inoculation, advise, explanation, lesson, lecture, sermon, apologue, parable, discourse, prolection, preachment, chalk talk, Chautauqua, exercise, task, curriculum, course, course of study, grammar, three R's, initiation, A, B, C, elementary education, primary education, secondary education, technical education, college education, collegiate education, military education, university education, liberal education, classical education, religious education, denominational education, moral education, secular education, propaedeutics, moral tuition, gymnastics, calisthenics, physical drill, physical education, sloyd, phonics, rote, rote memorization, brute memory, cooperative learning, Montessori method, ungraded classes, test, examination, exam, final exam, mid-term exam grade, score, marks, A, B, C, D, E, F, gentleman's C, pass, fail, incomplete, homework, take-home lesson, exercise for the student, theme, project, teaching, taught, educational, scholastic, academic, doctrinal, disciplinal, instructive, instructional, didactic, propaedeutic, propaedeutical, the schoolmaster abroad, a bovi majori disscit arare minor, adeo in teneris consuecere multum est, docendo discimus, quaenocent docent, qui docet discit, sermons in stones and good in everything.


a b c, c and w, c battery, c clef, c compiler, c horizon, c major, c major scale, c note, c program, c q d, chlorophyll c, cytochrome c, d and c, hepatitis c, letter c, middle c, one c, scale of c major, super c, vitamin c

j top

Pos: Noun

Noun j has 2 senses

1.  j(n = noun.quantity) joule, watt second - a unit of electrical energy equal to the work done when a current of one ampere passes through a resistance of one ohm for one second;
is a kind of energy unit, heat unit, work unit
has parts: erg

2.  j(n = noun.communication) - the 10th letter of the Roman alphabet;
is a kind of
alphabetic character, letter, letter of the alphabet
is a member of latin alphabet, roman alphabet



   J is the tenth letter of the English alphabet. It is a later variant form of the Roman letter I, used to express a consonantal sound, that is, originally, the sound of English y in yet. The forms J and I have, until a recent time, been classed together, and they have been used interchangeably. [1913 Webster]


j, n. (also j) (pl. Js or J's)
1 the tenth letter of the alphabet.
2 (as a Roman numeral) = i in a final position (ij; vj).

j, abbr. (also J.)
1 joule(s).
2 Judge.
3 Justice.



N  judge, justice, justiciar, justiciary, chancellor, justice of assize, judge of assize, recorder, common sergeant, puisne judge, assistant judge, county court judge, conservator of the peace, justice of the peace, J, P, court, magistrate, police magistrate, beak, his worship, his honor, his lordship, jury, twelve men in a box, Lord Chancellor, Lord Justice, Master of the Rolls, Vice Chancellor, Lord Chief Justice, Chief Baron, Mr, Justice, Associate Justice, Chief Justice, Baron, Baron of the Exchequer, jurat, assessor, arbiter, arbitrator, umpire, referee, referendary, revising barrister, domesman, censor, barmaster, ephor, grand juror, grand juryman, juryman, talesman, archon, tribune, praetor, syndic, podesta, mollah, ulema, mufti, cadi, kadi, Rhadamanthus, litigant, judicial, a Daniel come to judgment.


dr. j, j particle, letter j

gram top

Pos: Noun

Noun gram has 2 senses

1.  gram(n = noun.quantity) g, gm, gramme - a metric unit of weight equal to one thousandth of a kilogram;
is a kind of metric weight unit, weight unit
is a part of dag, decagram, dekagram, dkg
has parts: obolus, carat

2.  gram(n = noun.person) hans c. j. gram - Danish physician and bacteriologist who developed a method of staining bacteria to distinguish among them (1853-1938);
is a kind of bacteriologist


gram, a. [AS. gram; akin to E. grim.

   Angry. Havelok, the Dane. [1913 Webster]

gram, n. [Pg. gr?o grain. See Grain.].

   The East Indian name of the chick-pea (Cicer arietinum) and its seeds; also, other similar seeds there used for food.

gram, n. [F. gramme, from Gr. ? that which is written, a letter, a small weight, fr. ? to write. See Graphic.].

   The unit of weight in the metric system. It was intended to be exactly, and is very nearly, equivalent to the weight in a vacuum of one cubic centimeter of pure water at its maximum density. It is equal to 15.432 grains. See Grain, n., 4. [1913 Webster]

Gram degree, or Gramme degree (Physics), a unit of heat, being the amount of heat necessary to raise the temperature of one gram of pure water one degree centigrade. -- Gram equivalent (Electrolysis), that quantity of the metal which will replace one gram of hydrogen.


gram, n. (also gramme) a metric unit of mass equal to one-thousandth of a kilogram.

gram-atom Chem. the quantity of a chemical element equal to its relative atomic mass in grams (see MOLE(4)). gram-equivalent Chem. the quantity of a substance equal to its equivalent weight in grams. gram-molecule Chem. the quantity of a substance equal to its relative molecular mass in grams.

gram, n. any of various pulses used as food.

Port. gr|.o f. L granum grain



N  gravity, gravitation, weight, heaviness, specific gravity, pondorosity, pressure, load, burden, burthen, ballast, counterpoise, lump of, mass of, weight of, lead, millstone, mountain, Ossa on Pelion, weighing, ponderation, trutination, weights, avoirdupois weight, troy weight, apothecaries' weight, grain, scruple, drachma, ounce, pound, lb, arroba, load, stone, hundredweight, cwt, ton, long ton, metric ton, quintal, carat, pennyweight, tod, gram, centigram, milligram, microgram, kilogram, nanogram, picogram, femtogram, attogram, balance, scale, scales, steelyard, beam, weighbridge, spring balance, piezoelectric balance, analytical balance, two-pan balance, one-pan balance, postal scale, baby scale, statics, weighty, weighing, heavy as lead, ponderous, ponderable, lumpish, lumpy, cumbersome, burdensome, cumbrous, unwieldy, massive, incumbent, superincumbent.


golden gram, gram atom, gram calorie, gram method, gram molecule, gram stain, green gram, hans c. j. gram, horse gram, red gram