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Found 1 definition: hispanic.

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Pos: Adjective

Noun hispanic has 1 senses

   hispanic(n = noun.person) hispanic american, spanish american - an American whose first language is Spanish;
is a kind of american
has particulars: criollo
Derived form adjective hispanic1

Adjective hispanic has 1 senses

   hispanic(a = adj.pert) latino - related to a Spanish-speaking people or culture; "the Hispanic population of California is growing rapidly"
Derived form noun hispanic1


hispanic, a. [L. Hispanicus.].

   Of or pertaining to Spain or its language; as, Hispanic words. [1913 Webster]


hispanic, adj. & n.
1 of or relating to Spain or to Spain and Portugal.
2 of Spain and other Spanish-speaking countries.
--n. a Spanish-speaking person, esp. one of Latin-American descent, living in the US.

Hispanicize v.tr. (also -ise).

L Hispanicus f. Hispania Spain


hispanic american