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Found 1 definition: hoover.

hoover top

Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle)

Noun hoover has 4 senses

1.  hoover(n = noun.person) william henry hoover, william hoover - United States industrialist who manufactured vacuum cleaners (1849-1932);
is a kind of industrialist
Derived form verb hoover1

2.  hoover(n = noun.person) j. edgar hoover, john edgar hoover - United States lawyer who was director of the FBI for 48 years (1895-1972);
is a kind of attorney, lawyer

3.  hoover(n = noun.person) herbert clark hoover, herbert hoover, president hoover - 31st President of the United States; in 1929 the stock market crashed and the economy collapsed and Hoover was defeated for reelection by Franklin Roosevelt (1874-1964);
is a kind of chief executive, president, president of the united states, united states president

4.  hoover(n = noun.artifact) - a kind of vacuum cleaner;
is a kind of
vacuum, vacuum cleaner
Derived form verb hoover1

Verb hoover has 1 senses

   hoover(v = verb.contact) vacuum, vacuum-clean - clean with a vacuum cleaner; "vacuum the carpets"
is one way to clean, make clean
Derived forms noun hoover4, noun hoover1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s something


hoover, n. [a trademark.].

   a kind of vacuum cleaner. [WordNet 1.5]

hoover, v. t.

   to clean with a vacuum cleaner. [WordNet 1.5]


hoover, n. & v.
--n. propr. a vacuum cleaner (properly one made by the Hoover company).
--v. (hoover)
1 tr. (also absol.) clean (a carpet etc.) with a vacuum cleaner.
2 (foll. by up) a tr. suck up with or as with a vacuum cleaner (hoovered up the crumbs). b absol. clean a room etc. with a vacuum cleaner (decided to hoover up before they arrived).

W. H. Hoover, Amer. manufacturer d. 1932


herbert clark hoover, herbert hoover, hoover dam, j. edgar hoover, john edgar hoover, president hoover, william henry hoover, william hoover