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Found 1 definition: nestle.

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Pos: Verb (intransitive), Verb (transitive)

Noun nestle has 1 senses

   nestle(n = noun.act) cuddle, snuggle - a close and affectionate (and often prolonged) embrace;
is a kind of embrace, embracement, embracing
Derived form verb nestle1

Verb nestle has 3 senses

1.  nestle(v = verb.contact) cuddle, draw close, nest, nuzzle, snuggle - move or arrange oneself in a comfortable and cozy position; "We cuddled against each other to keep warm"; "The children snuggled into their sleeping bags"
is one way to cling to, clutch, hold close, hold tight
Derived form noun nestle1
Sample sentences: The children nestle in the rocking chair; There nestle some children in the rocking chair

2.  nestle(v = verb.stative) - lie in a sheltered position; "The little cottage nestles in the forest"
is one way to
Sample sentences: Something is ----ing PP

3.  nestle(v = verb.contact) snuggle - position comfortably; "The baby nestled her head in her mother's elbow"
is one way to lay, place, pose, position, put, set
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s something


nestle, v. i. [AS. nestlian.].

1.  To make and occupy a nest; to nest. [1913 Webster]
"The kingfisher . . . nestles in hollow banks." [1913 Webster]

2.  To lie close and snug, as a bird in her nest; to cuddle up; to settle, as in a nest; to harbor; to take shelter. [1913 Webster]
"Their purpose was to fortify in some strong place of the wild country, and there nestle till succors came." [1913 Webster]
"The children were nestled all snug in their beds
While visions of sugarplums danced in their heads.
" [PJC]

3.  To move about in one's place, like a bird when shaping the interior of her nest or a young bird getting close to the parent; as, a child nestles. [1913 Webster]

nestle, v. t.

1.  To house, as in a nest. [1913 Webster]

2.  To cherish, as a bird her young. [1913 Webster]


nestle, v.
1 intr. (often foll. by down, in, etc.) settle oneself comfortably.
2 intr. press oneself against another in affection etc.
3 tr. (foll. by in, into, etc.) push (a head or shoulder etc.) affectionately or snugly.
4 intr. lie half hidden or embedded.

OE nestlian (as NEST)



VB  be safe, keep one's head above water, tide over, save one's bacon, ride out the storm, weather the storm, light upon one's feet, land on one's feet, bear a charmed life, escape, make safe, render safe Adj, protect, take care of, preserve, cover, screen, shelter, shroud, flank, ward, guard, secure, entrench, intrench, fence round, house, nestle, ensconce, take charge of, escort, convoy, garrison, watch, mount guard, patrol, make assurance doubly sure, take up a loose thread, take precautions, double reef topsails, seek safety, take shelter, find shelter.

N  safety, security, surety, impregnability, invulnerability, invulnerableness, danger past, danger over, storm blown over, coast clear, escape, means of escape, blow valve, safety valve, release valve, sniffing valve, safeguard, palladium, guardianship, wardship, wardenship, tutelage, custody, safekeeping, preservation, protection, auspices, safe-conduct, escort, convoy, guard, shield, guardian angel, tutelary god, tutelary deity, tutelary saint, genius loci, protector, guardian, warden, warder, preserver, custodian, duenna, chaperon, third person, watchdog, bandog, Cerberus, watchman, patrolman, policeman, cop, dick, fuzz, smokey, peeler, zarp, sentinel, sentry, scout, garrison, guardship, refuge &c, anchor, precaution, quarantine, cordon sanitaire, confidence, protect, take care of, preserve, cover, screen, shelter, shroud, flank, ward, guard, secure, entrench, intrench, fence round, house, nestle, ensconce, take charge of, escort, convoy, garrison, watch, mount guard, patrol, make assurance doubly sure, take up a loose thread, take precautions, double reef topsails, seek safety, take shelter, find shelter, Adj, safe, secure, sure, in safety, in security, on the safe side, under the shield of, under the shade of, under the wing of, under the shadow of one's wing, under cover, under lock and key, out of danger, out of the woods, out of the meshes, out of harm's way, unharmed, unscathed, on sure ground, at anchor, high and dry, above water, unthreatened, unmolested, protected, cavendo tutus, panoplied, snug, seaworthy, weatherproof, waterproof, fireproof, defensible, tenable, proof against, invulnerable, unassailable, unattackable, impenetrable, impregnable, imperdible, inexpugnable, Achillean, safe and sound, scathless, unhazarded, not dangerous, unthreatening, harmless, friendly (cooperative), protecting, protective, guardian, tutelary, preservative, trustworthy, ex abundanti cautela, with impunity, all's well, salva res est, suave mari magno, a couvert, e terra alterius spectare laborem, Dieu vous garde.


VB  exist in space, be present, assister, make one of, make one at, look on, attend, remain, find oneself, present oneself, show one's face, fall in the way of, occur in a place, lie, stand, occupy, be there, people, inhabit, dwell, reside, stay, sojourn, live, abide, lodge, nestle, roost, perch, take up one's abode, tenant, resort to, frequent, haunt, revisit, fill, pervade, permeate, be diffused, be disseminated, be through, over spread, overrun, run through, meet one at every turn.


VB  caress, fondle, pet, dandle, pat, pat on the head, pat on the cheek, chuck under the chin, smile upon, coax, wheedle, cosset, coddle, cocker, cockle, make of, make much of, cherish, foster, kill with kindness, clasp, hug, cuddle, fold in one's arms, strain in one's arms, nestle, nuzzle, embrace, kiss, buss, smack, blow a kiss, salute, fold to the heart, press to the bosom, bill and coo, spoon, toy, dally, flirt, coquet, gallivant, galavant, philander, make love, pay one's court to, pay one's addresses to, pay one's attentions to, serenade, court, woo, set one's cap at, be sweet upon, look sweet upon, ogle, cast sheep's eyes upon, faire les yeux doux, fall in love with, win the affections, die for, propose, make an offer, have an offer, pop the question, plight one's troth, plight one's faith.