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Found 1 definition: peel.

peel top

Pos: Noun, Verb (transitive), Verb (intransitive)

Noun peel has 2 senses

1.  peel(n = noun.person) robert peel, sir robert peel - British politician (1788-1850);
is a kind of pol, political leader, politician, politico

2.  peel(n = noun.food) skin - the rind of a fruit or vegetable;
is a kind of rind
is a part of edible fruit
has particulars: jacket, banana peel, banana skin, lemon peel, lemon rind, orange peel, orange rind
Derived form verb peel1

Verb peel has 3 senses

1.  peel(v = verb.contact) pare, skin - strip the skin off; "pare apples"
is one way to strip
Derived forms noun peel2, noun peeler3, noun peeler2
Sample sentences: The chefs peel the vegetables

2.  peel(v = verb.contact) flake, flake off, peel off - come off in flakes or thin small pieces; "The paint in my house is peeling off"
is one way to break away, break off, chip, chip off, come off
Derived form noun peeling1
Sample sentences: Something ----s

3.  peel(v = verb.body) discase, disrobe, strip, strip down, uncase, unclothe, undress - get undressed; "please don't undress in front of everybody!"; "She strips in front of strangers every night for a living"
is one way to take off
Derived form noun peeler1
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s something; Somebody ----s somebody


peel, n. [OE. pel. Cf. Pile a heap.].

   A small tower, fort, or castle; a keep. [1913 Webster]

peel, n. [F. pelle, L. pala.].

   A spadelike implement, variously used, as for removing loaves of bread from a baker's oven; also, a T-shaped implement used by printers and bookbinders for hanging wet sheets of paper on lines or poles to dry. Also, the blade of an oar. [1913 Webster]

peel, v. t. [Confused with peel to strip, but fr. F. piller to pillage. See Pill to rob, Pillage.].

   To plunder; to pillage; to rob. [1913 Webster]
"But govern ill the nations under yoke,
Peeling their provinces.
" [1913 Webster]

peel, v. t. [F. peler to pull out the hair, to strip, to peel, fr. L. pilare to deprive of hair, fr. pilus a hair; or perh. partly fr. F. peler to peel off the skin, perh. fr. L. pellis skin (cf. Fell skin). Cf. Peruke.].

1.  To strip off the skin, bark, or rind of; to strip by drawing or tearing off the skin, bark, husks, etc.; to flay; to decorticate; as, to peel an orange. [1913 Webster]
"The skillful shepherd peeled me certain wands." [1913 Webster]

2.  To strip or tear off; to remove by stripping, as the skin of an animal, the bark of a tree, etc. [1913 Webster]

peel, v. i.

1.  To lose the skin, bark, or rind; to come off, as the skin, bark, or rind does; -- often used with an adverb; as, the bark peels easily or readily. [1913 Webster]

2.  To strip naked; to disrobe. Often used with down . [PJC]

peel, n.

   The skin or rind; as, the peel of an orange. [1913 Webster]


peel, v. & n.
1 tr. a strip the skin, rind, bark, wrapping, etc. from (a fruit, vegetable, tree, etc.). b (usu. foll. by off) strip (skin, peel, wrapping, etc.) from a fruit etc.
2 intr. a (of a tree, an animal's or person's body, a painted surface, etc.) become bare of bark, skin, paint, etc. b (often foll. by off) (of bark, a person's skin, paint, etc.) flake off.
3 intr. (often foll. by off) colloq. (of a person) strip for exercise etc.
4 tr. Croquet send (another player's ball) through the hoops.
--n. the outer covering of a fruit, vegetable, prawn, etc.; rind.

peel off
1 veer away and detach oneself from a group of marchers, a formation of aircraft, etc.
2 colloq. strip off one's clothes.

peeler n. (in sense 1 of v.).

peel, n. a shovel, esp. a baker's shovel for bringing loaves etc. into or out of an oven.

peel, n. (also pele) hist. a small square tower built in the 16th c. in the border counties of England and Scotland for defence against raids.

ME pel stake, palisade, f. AF & OF pel f. L palus stake: cf. PALE(2)



N  layer, stratum, strata, course, bed, zone, substratum, substrata, floor, flag, stage, story, tier, slab, escarpment, table, tablet, dess, flagstone, board, plank, trencher, platter, plate, lamina, lamella, sheet, foil, wafer, scale, flake, peel, coat, pellicle, membrane, film, leaf, slice, shive, cut, rasher, shaving, integument, eschar, stratification, scaliness, nest of boxes, coats of an onion, monolayer, bilayer, trilayer, lamellar, lamellated, lamelliform, layered, laminated, laminiferous, micaceous, schistose, schistous, scaly, filmy, membranous, pellicular, flaky, squamous, foliated, foliaceous, stratified, stratiform, tabular, discoid, spathic, spathose, trilamellar, graphitic.

VB  slice, shave, pare, peel, delaminate, plate, coat, veneer, cover.


N  covering, cover, baldachin, baldachino, baldaquin, canopy, tilt, awning, tent, marquee, tente d'abri, umbrella, parasol, sunshade, veil (shade), shield, roof, ceiling, thatch, tile, pantile, pentile, tiling, slates, slating, leads, barrack, plafond, planchment, tiling, shed, top, lid, covercle, door, operculum, bulkhead, bandage, plaster, lint, wrapping, dossil, finger stall, coverlet, counterpane, sheet, quilt, tarpaulin, blanket, rug, drugget, housing, antimacassar, eiderdown, numdah, pillowcase, pillowslip, linoleum, saddle cloth, blanket cloth, tidy, tilpah, apishamore, integument, tegument, skin, pellicle, fleece, fell, fur, leather, shagreen, hide, pelt, peltry, cordwain, derm, robe, buffalo robe, cuticle, scarfskin, epidermis, clothing, mask, peel, crust, bark, rind, cortex, husk, shell, coat, eggshell, glume, capsule, sheath, sheathing, pod, cod, casing, case, theca, elytron, elytrum, involucrum, wrapping, wrapper, envelope, vesicle, corn husk, corn shuck, dermatology, conchology, testaceology, inunction, incrustation, superimposition, superposition, obduction, scale, veneer, facing, overlay, plate, silver plate, gold plate, copper plate, engobe, ormolu, Sheffield plate, pavement, coating, paint, varnish, plating, barrel plating, anointing, enamel, epitaxial deposition, vapor deposition, ground, whitewash, plaster, spackel, stucco, compo, cerement, ointment, covering, superimposed, overlaid, plated, cutaneous, dermal, cortical, cuticular, tegumentary, skinny, scaly, squamous, covered, imbricated, loricated, armor plated, ironclad, under cover, cowled, cucullate, dermatoid, encuirassed, hooded, squamiferous, tectiform, vaginate.


VB  divest, uncover &c (cover), denude, bare, strip, disfurnish, undress, disrobe &c (dress, enrobe), uncoif, dismantle, put off, take off, cast off, doff, peel, pare, decorticate, excoriate, skin, scalp, flay, expose, lay open, exfoliate, molt, mew, cast the skin.


banana peel, candied citrus peel, grapefruit peel, lady peel, lemon peel, orange peel, orange peel fungus, peel off, potato peel, robert peel, sir robert peel