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Found 1 definition: promenade.

promenade top

Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle), Verb (transitive), Verb (intransitive)

Noun promenade has 5 senses

1.  promenade(n = noun.event) prom - a formal ball held for a school class toward the end of the academic year;
is a kind of ball, formal

2.  promenade(n = noun.artifact) mall - a public area set aside as a pedestrian walk;
is a kind of paseo, walk, walkway
has particulars: esplanade
Derived form verb promenade2

3.  promenade(n = noun.act) - a square dance figure; couples march counterclockwise in a circle;
is a kind of
contra danse, contradance, contredanse, country-dance, country dancing
is a part of square dance, square dancing

4.  promenade(n = noun.act) - a march of all the guests at the opening of a formal dance;
is a kind of
march, marching
is a part of ball

5.  promenade(n = noun.act) amble, perambulation, saunter, stroll - a leisurely walk (usually in some public place);
is a kind of walk
has particulars: meander, ramble, walkabout
Derived form verb promenade2

Verb promenade has 2 senses

1.  promenade(v = verb.motion) parade, troop - march in a procession; "the veterans paraded down the street"
is one way to march, process
Sample sentences: Somebody ----s; Somebody ----s PP

2.  promenade(v = verb.motion) - take a leisurely walk; "The ladies promenaded along the beach"
is one way to
Derived forms noun promenade5, noun promenade2
Sample sentences: They promenade down the river


promenade, n. [F. (with a foreign suffix), from promener to lead, take for a walk, se promener to walk, from L. prominare to drive forward or along; pro forward + minare to drive animals. See Amenable, Menace.].

1.  A walk for pleasure, display, or exercise. Burke. [1913 Webster]

2.  A place for walking; a public walk. Bp. Montagu. [1913 Webster]

promenade, v. i.

   To walk for pleasure, display, or exercise. [1913 Webster]


promenade, n. & v.
1 a Brit. a paved public walk along the sea front at a resort. b any paved public walk.
2 a walk, or sometimes a ride or drive, taken esp. for display, social intercourse, etc.
3 US a school or university ball or dance.
4 a march of dancers in country dancing etc.
1 intr. make a promenade.
2 tr. lead (a person etc.) about a place esp. for display.
3 tr. make a promenade through (a place).

promenade concert a concert at which the audience, or part of it, can stand, sit on the floor, or move about. promenade deck an upper deck on a passenger ship where passengers may promenade.

F f. se promener walk, refl. of promener take for a walk



N  ostentation, display, show, flourish, parade, etalage, pomp, array, state, solemnity, dash, splash, splurge, glitter, strut, pomposity, pretense, pretensions, showing off, fuss, magnificence, splendor, coup d'oeil, grand doings, coup de theatre, stage effect, stage trick, claptrap, mise en scene, tour de force, chic, demonstration, flying colors, tomfoolery, flourish of trumpets, pageant, pageantry, spectacle, exhibition, exposition, procession, turn out, set out, grand function, f=ete, gala, field day, review, march past, promenade, insubstantial pageant, dress, court dress, full dress, evening dress, ball dress, fancy dress, tailoring, millinery, man millinery, frippery, foppery, equipage, ceremony, ceremonial, ritual, form, formality, etiquette, puncto, punctilio, punctiliousness, starched stateliness, stateliness, mummery, solemn mockery, mouth honor, attitudinarian, fop, ostentatious, showy, dashing, pretentious, janty, jaunty, grand, pompous, palatial, high-sounding, turgid gairish, garish, gaudy, gaudy as a peacock, gaudy as a butterfly, gaudy as a tulip, flaunting, flashing, flaming, glittering, gay, splendid, magnificent, sumptuous, theatrical, dramatic, spectacular, ceremonial, ritual, solemn, stately, majestic, formal, stiff, ceremonious, punctilious, starched, dressed to kill, dressed to the nines, decjed out, all decked out, en granite tenue, in best bib and tucker, in Sunday best, endimanch_e, chic, with flourish of trumpet, with beat of drum, with flying colors, ad captandum vulgus, honores mutant mores.


N  journey, travel, traveling, wayfaring, campaigning, journey, excursion, expedition, tour, trip, grand tour, circuit, peregrination, discursion, ramble, pilgrimage, hajj, trek, course, ambulation, march, walk, promenade, constitutional, stroll, saunter, tramp, jog trot, turn, stalk, perambulation, noctambulation, noctambulism, somnambulism, outing, ride, drive, airing, jaunt, equitation, horsemanship, riding, manege, ride and tie, basophobia, roving, vagrancy, pererration, marching and countermarching, nomadism, vagabondism, vagabondage, hoboism, gadding, flit, flitting, migration, emigration, immigration, demigration, intermigration, wanderlust, plan, itinerary, guide, handbook, guidebook, road book, Baedeker, Bradshaw, Murray, map, road map, transportation guide, subway map, procession, cavalcade, caravan, file, cortege, column, vehicle, automobile, train, bus, airplane, plane, autobus, omnibus, subway, motorbike, dirt bike, off-road vehicle, van, minivan, motor scooter, trolley, locomotive, legs, feet, pegs, pins, trotters, traveler, depot, railway station, station, traveling, ambulatory, itinerant, peripatetic, roving, rambling, gadding, discursive, vagrant, migratory, monadic, circumforanean, circumforaneous, noctivagrant, mundivagrant, locomotive, wayfaring, wayworn, travel-stained, on foot, on horseback, on Shanks's mare, by the Marrowbone stage: in transitu, en route, Int, come along!.

VB  travel, journey, course, take a journey, go a journey, take a walk, go out for walk, have a run, take the air, flit, take wing, migrate, emigrate, trek, rove, prowl, roam, range, patrol, pace up and down, traverse, scour the country, traverse the country, peragrate, circumambulate, perambulate, nomadize, wander, ramble, stroll, saunter, hover, go one's rounds, straggle, gad, gad about, expatiate, walk, march, step, tread, pace, plod, wend, go by shank's mare, promenade, trudge, tramp, stalk, stride, straddle, strut, foot it, hoof it, stump, bundle, bowl along, toddle, paddle, tread a path, take horse, ride, drive, trot, amble, canter, prance, fisk, frisk, caracoler, caracole, gallop, embark, board, set out, hit the road, get going, get underway, peg on, jog on, wag on, shuffle on, stir one's stumps, bend one's steps, bend one's course, make one's way, find one's way, wend one's way, pick one's way, pick one's way, thread one's way, plow one's way, slide, glide, coast, skim, skate, march in procession, file on, defile, go to, repair to, resort to, hie to, betake oneself to.


promenade deck