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Found 1 definition: radio.

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Pos: Noun, Verb (usu participle)

Noun radio has 3 senses

1.  radio(n = noun.communication) radiocommunication, wireless - medium for communication;
is a kind of broadcasting
Derived form verb radio1

2.  radio(n = noun.artifact) radio receiver, radio set, receiving set, tuner, wireless - an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals;
is a kind of receiver, receiving system
is a part of radio, wireless, radio-gramophone, radio-phonograph
has parts: amplifier, detector, demodulator, detector
has particulars: clock radio, crystal set, heterodyne receiver, superhet, superheterodyne receiver, push-button radio
Derived form verb radio1

3.  radio(n = noun.artifact) wireless - a communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic waves;
is a kind of communication system
has parts: radio, radio receiver, radio set, receiving set, tuner, wireless, radio transmitter
has particulars: radiotelegraph, radiotelegraphy, wireless telegraph, wireless telegraphy
Derived form verb radio1

Verb radio has 1 senses

   radio(v = verb.communication) - transmit messages via radio waves; "he radioed for help"
is one way to
communicate, intercommunicate
Derived forms noun radio3, noun radio2, noun radio1
Sample sentences: They radio them the information; They radio the information to them

Adjective radio has 1 senses

   radio(a = adj.pert) - indicating radiation or radioactivity; "radiochemistry"


radio, n. & v.
--n. (pl. -os)
1 (often attrib.) a the transmission and reception of sound messages etc. by electromagnetic waves of radio-frequency (cf. WIRELESS). b an apparatus for receiving, broadcasting, or transmitting radio signals. c a message sent or received by radio.
2 a sound broadcasting in general (prefers the radio). b a broadcasting station or channel (Radio One).
--v. (-oes, -oed)
1 tr. a send (a message) by radio. b send a message to (a person) by radio.
2 intr. communicate or broadcast by radio.

radio astronomy the branch of astronomy concerned with the radio-frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum. radio cab (or car) a cab or car equipped with a two-way radio. radio fix the position of an aircraft, ship, etc., found by radio. radio galaxy a galaxy emitting radiation in the radio-frequency range of the electromagnetic spectrum. radio ham see HAM. radio star a small star etc. emitting strong radio waves. radio telescope a directional aerial system for collecting and analysing radiation in the radio-frequency range from stars etc.

short for radio-telegraphy etc.



N  news, information, piece of news, budget of news, budget of information, intelligence, tidings, word, advice, aviso, message, dispatch, despatch, telegram, cable, marconigram, wire, communication, errand, embassy, report, rumor, hearsay, on dit, flying rumor, news stirring, cry, buzz, bruit, fame, talk, oui dire, scandal, eavesdropping, town tattle, table talk, tittle tattle, canard, topic of the day, idea afloat, bulletin, fresh news, stirring news, glad tidings, flash, news just in, on-the-spot coverage, live coverage, old story, old news, stale news, stale story, chestnut, narrator, newsmonger, scandalmonger, talebearer, telltale, gossip, tattler, journalism, media, news media, the press, the information industry, newspaper, magazine, tract, journal, gazette, publication, radio, television, ticker (electronic information transmission), United Press International, UPI, Associated Press, AP, The Dow Jones News Service, DJ, The New York Times News Service, NYT, Reuters, TASS, The Nikkei, newscaster, newsman, newswoman, reporter, journalist, correspondent, foreign correspondent, special correspondent, war correspondent, news team, news department, anchorman, anchorwoman, sportscaster, weatherman, press secretary, public relations department, public relations man, many-tongued, rumored, publicly rumored, currently rumored, currently reported, rife, current, floating, afloat, going about, in circulation, in every one's mouth, all over the town, in progress, live, on the spot, in person, as the story goes, as the story runs, as they say, it is said, by telegraph, by wireless, airy tongues that syllable men's names, what's up?, what's the latest?, what's new?, what's the latest poop?.


clock radio, father of radio, omnidirectional radio range, push-button radio, quasi-stellar radio source, radio aerial, radio announcer, radio antenna, radio astronomy, radio beacon, radio beam, radio brightness, radio broadcast, radio chassis, radio compass, radio control, radio detection and ranging, radio emission, radio frequency, radio interferometer, radio link, radio news, radio noise, radio observation, radio operator, radio radiation, radio receiver, radio reflector, radio set, radio signal, radio source, radio spectrum, radio station, radio technician, radio telescope, radio transmitter, radio wave