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Found 1 definition: shumac.

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Noun shumac has 1 senses

   shumac(n = noun.plant) sumac, sumach - a shrub or tree of the genus Rhus (usually limited to the non-poisonous members of the genus);
is a kind of bush, shrub
is a member of genus rhus, rhus
has particulars: fragrant sumac, lemon sumac, rhus aromatica, rhus glabra, scarlet sumac, smooth sumac, vinegar tree, black sumac, dwarf sumac, mountain sumac, rhus copallina, shining sumac, rhus ovata, sugar-bush, sugar sumac, rhus typhina, staghorn sumac, velvet sumac, vinegar tree, virginian sumac, rhus trilobata, skunkbush, squaw-bush, squawbush


shumac, n.

   Sumac. [1913 Webster]