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Found 1 definition: staghorn sumac.

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Pos: Noun Phrase

Noun staghorn sumac has 1 senses

   staghorn sumac(n = noun.plant) rhus typhina, velvet sumac, vinegar tree, virginian sumac - deciduous shrubby tree or eastern North America with compound leaves that turn brilliant red in fall and dense panicles of greenish yellow flowers followed by crimson acidic berries;
is a kind of shumac, sumac, sumach


australian sumac, black sumac, common staghorn fern, dwarf sumac, fragrant sumac, japanese sumac, laurel sumac, lemon sumac, mountain sumac, poison sumac, scarlet sumac, shining sumac, smooth sumac, south american staghorn, staghorn coral, staghorn fern, staghorn moss, sugar sumac, sumac, sumac family, velvet sumac, venetian sumac, virginian sumac